Chapter 3. Boyfriends Boyfriends

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       Thunder roared outside causing me to jump and spill my cool ranch Doritos all over the floor. A sigh left my lips as I stood up to get the broom from beside the fridge. The sound of Dragon Ball Z played in my ears as I swept the mess I made. Goku was kicking Freeza's ass until he kicked his power up and Gohan was being way to brave for his own good.

       Gently I dumped the chips in the trash and put the broom back from where I had got it. The day had consisted of taking pictures of the storm approaching. I would have strapped a camera to the roof, but the only camera store around was closed.

       I flipped through the photos taken that day. Most of them seemed decent. I'm not entirely sure if anyone would buy them, but it was worth a shot. My screen had a smudge so I drug my thumb along it.

       The screen switched to a picture of Nico and I causing me to smile at the onslaught of memories. She was coming back in about three days since the power is expected to be out.

~Time Skip~

       Glass surrounded Mara's Café. The storm busted out a few windows even though they were covered. Crunch after crunch was all that was heard in the nearly empty streets as I inched closer to the broken window of the shop.

       "Nezu!" Someone cried out and before I could react I was pulled into a bear hug, rainbow hair covering my eyes. "I'm so glad you're okay. I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt..." Nico pulled back with tears in her eyes and regret on her face.

        "Whoa. Hey, calm down. I'm fine. See?" I gestured downwards to prove that I was physically fine. Nico just nodded and pulled me into another tight hug. No 'sorrys' or 'i forgive yous' were necessary and that's what I love most about our relationship. A buzz from my back pocket pulled us from our moment.

       It was a text from Carson. 'Hey, Nezu. We're done with the camera. Sadly I can't bring it to you. Can you come pick it up?'

       "Ooo. Who's this, Nezu? Did you catch a boyfriend while I was gone?" She giggled like a school girl before slapping me on my shoulder.

       "No. I wish I did, but I loaned someone my camera and they're asking me to come pick it up. Do you want to go with me?" I asked while nudging her with my elbow.

       "Oh. I didn't realize you actually thought you had a choice in the matter." Nico replied before flipping her hair and moving towards the car that she had used to get here.

       'Yea. Text me the address, K?' The response was almost immediate.

       'Alright. It's 64732 Parkway Dr. See you soon ;)' A short laugh left me at the winky face. I shook my head causing my hair to bounce around my face before I slipped my phone back into my pocket.

       Nico was telling about her trip to see her family in Scotland when we pulled up to what I belive was a mansion. An amazing garden was spread out in the front yard with a FUCKING FOUNTAIN in the middle of it. People were scurrying about carrying plates of food or watering exotic plants.

       "Damn, Nezu..." The rainbow haired girl whispered after we parked the car and got out. "Ya bagged a good one." Her high top converse thumped against the cobblestone driveway as we made our way towards the front door.  It had a Chinese dragon carved into it. Lightly I knocked on the door and awaited an answer.

       Just when I was getting ready to knock again the door opened to reveal a plump elderly woman with a kind smile adorning her face.

       "Ah. Hello, Can I help you?" The smile never once left her face.

       "Yes, you can. We here to see Carson please. He has something that he wished to return to me so he asked me to pick it up." I replied with a smile of my own. Her eyes lit up in acknowledgment.

       "You must be Nezu. Carson is my son and he has been speaking of your kindness since he came home with that camera." A disbelieving laugh left her as she motioned us inside. "That boy has never been thankful for anything in his life so I have to thank you. Wait here while I go fetch him." In a flash she was gone, leaving Nico and I in the livingroom for a few minutes.

      A deep voice echoed through the room making me shiver which was visibly noticeable to Nico. Silently she laughed, but stopped immediately when Carson entered with someone else following him. This person was slightly shorter than Carson himself and his hair was a deep rouge, obviously dyed, and shaved on both sides. His eyes shone a blueish-gray. High cheekbones complimented... everything about him. A black, baggy tank top went with dark indigo skinny jeans that were slightly rolled up. These were covered by high top vans that were black with white soles. Spider bites were placed on the right side with a Medusa and a nose piercing on his left. Carson and him seemed to be in a heated argument.

       "Hey, Nico." She gave me a questioning look and raised her eyebrows. "I would so drop my pants for him right here... right now." I whispered before turning back to the argument to notice that Carson and the dude were staring at me. Carson's mouth was open and the red haired male was staring at me with a blank face.

       Nico face palmed herself so hard it echoed in the silent room. I could feel the blush spread down my neck as I crossed my arms.

       "W-well I would! I would drop my pants and my boxers." We all stood there in awkward silence. They were staring at me with intense judgemental eyes that made me uncomfortable.

        "Okay... Moving on." The dull blue eyed male sighed. "Kittens are better than puppies, Carson. Just admit it." Nico gasped as if she was insulted before crossing her arms and walking to stand next to Carson.

       "The fuck you think you're talking about, bitch! Puppies are a hell of a lot better than kittens. Go fuck a dick!"

       "See the little lady agrees, Alexander. You can't deny that." The two puppy lovers glared at Alexander with serious faces. My hand gripped my mouth to make sure no laughs escaped me from the childish conversation, but it was a losing battle.  They had a stare down that didn't seem to be letting up soon so I decided to intervene.

       "Well, this has been a lovely first meeting, but I would like my camera back now." They paused for a moment before Carson resigned and walked towards me, handing me the camera. "Thank you."

       Nico rushed to my side and stared up at Carson with a charming smile that rivaled his own when we first met. "Hey... You seem familiar. Have we met?" She asked, blinking her 'pink' eyes in a seductive manner. In five seconds flat I saw Carson's face go from surprised to confused to mortified to embarrassed.

       "You're the girl from Mara's Café."

       "You're the guy that came in about a month ago and asked me for a free muffin. When I didn't give it to you, you called yourself the King of the Squirrels, took a jar of peanut butter and spread it across your face. Then proceeded to pound your chest and told me to fight you. Once I took my apron off and slammed it on the counter you took off. When I walked outside I saw you pretty much drowning in the fountain." You could practically see the dark, brooding mood rolling off of Carson in waves. Nico just laughed and smacked his chest. "I LOVE Markiplier."

       "Alright. I see that I won't be out of this house without dragging you so..." I grabbed Nico by her ear and literally dragged her out of the house. All the while she kept attempting to speak to Carson, who was now eagerly rambling to her. With a wave to Alexander, who had followed us from the house, I tugged Nico into the car.

       "I like him." Nico squealed when she was situated in the driver's seat.

       "I'm sure you do." I answered back as we drove back to the cafe to clean up.

       Well, at least she caught a boyfriend.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2017 ⏰

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