Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
●Yuuri K's pov●

I haven't counted the years since I've skated, I didn't feel the need to.

I assume it's only been two years considering people still recognize my face.

But I already knew Viktor was back wining the grand prix, I've seen his face around.

The great Viktor Nikiforov back on the ice, while his student who came in second retired.

Little does everyone know, I'm not ready to give up.

I still have hope that I can follow my dream.

If I had to get through Viktor, and potentially face him again, it would still be worth it to get my dream.

I'm not ready to give up.

No matter the amount of pain that I feel without him, I'm still not ready to give it all up.

I've been training hard these past years; it's the only thing I have left afterall.

And I'm ready to return to the ice.

I've kept in contact with Yurio and the others, but it's become a common thing for me to stay home while they all go out.

I've become detached from everyone, especially the skating world.

But I'll be coming back, and I'll stun everyone with the new me.

I'm not the same Yuuri anymore, I can feel that I'm not the same.

I can't exactly say if my change has been good or bad, but I know that I am different.

I'm not as emotional, I'm not as weak, I don't give my heart out carelessly, and I now have a determination that would even make JJ think twice.

I am now under a new coach and I've made new friends, I am not completely alone.

My coach not only coaches skating but dance, which helps in terms of rhythm, timing, and flexibility for me.

I'm definitely not as flexible as I used to be considering the amount of muscle I have packed on.

My weak spot was the pair skates and my partner and I couldn't preform the lifts, so I had to make some physical changes.

I assume most people wouldn't expect me to change so much, but I did it for a reason.

I did it for Viktor.

I was holding him back, and he never would have skated again if I hadn't left.

I sacrificed our future together so that he could do what he loved without any hindrances.

But now he's going to be on his own when I step into the competition this year.

I'm not going to let up for anyone, even Viktor.

I will swipe the gold medal right out from under their noses, and I will beat the world record once more.

My dream is my first priority.

I want to be someone my family can be proud of, I want to be someone people look up to, and I want to have the chance to show people I am not weak and I'm not going to give up.

I want people to know my name.

I want people to talk about me like they talk about Viktor.

Yuuri Katsuki - World Champion, the best skater on the ice.

I want that title.

I may have become greedy, but I need something to substitute Viktors absence.

Yuuri Katsuki will be the new king of the ice.

And he won't let anyone get in his way.

I've had this in my drafts for the longest time, but here's a small update while you wait for a full chapter ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2017 ⏰

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