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"A double room," Kendall quickly replied. 

"A twin room," you said at the same time. You looked at each other with narrowed eyes and glanced back at the receptionist that was staring at both of you as if you had grown a third head. "A twin room," you repeated and glared at Kendall. The man nodded and kept typing on his computer. Once you paid for your room, he gave you the key card, which Kendall gladly took. You walked in awkward silence to the elevator; Kendall really confused you and she was aware of that. She was the one that suggested not acting on your feelings, which you stupidly agreed, but that's not the point. "What was that?"

"What was what?" the brown-eyed girl played dumb as she fidgeted with the key card.

"You know what?" you hissed as you pointed a finger to her. "I really don't get you," you laughed sarcastically and she looked down. "I'd give us a try, I really would, Kendall. I thought that staying away from you was the right thing to do but now I think that it's just stupid," you sighed frustrated.

"I'm sorry," the dark-haired girl apologized. You both hopped in the elevator which, luckily, was empty. "I was wrong. I shouldn't have asked for that room."

"Yet you did. Why did you do it?" you demanded to know. "Why, Kendall? Why do you make things so difficult?"

"I got carried away," she bit her lip as she kept playing with the key card, avoiding your eyes.

"Carried away by what?"

"By my feelings," she admitted. "It won't happen again," you groaned frustrated and clenched your jaw, trying to calm down. You didn't get why nothing could happen. She liked you. You liked her. It was that simple. Fuck.

"Tell me you don't want me," she frowned and wrapped her arms around herself.

"You know I do," Kendall muttered in a small voice.


"You are going to end up hurt," the dark-haired girl defended herself. You inched closer to her and she found herself glancing down at your lips. You leaned in, close enough to feel her heavy breathing tickling your lips.

"I don't care," her hands found your cheeks, stroking them as softly and gentle as ever. You were about to give in and kiss her, but you wanted her to make the first move. Her velvet lips brushed slightly against yours, vaguely touching them. Your heart speeded up with anticipation but then her lips moved to your left cheek, faintly kissing it.

"I'm sorry, I can't," she breathed out near your ear and soon disappointment settled in. The doors of the elevator opened, bringing you back to reality from the little bubble you and Kendall were in. You looked down and nodded, still not understanding her choices. You grabbed your bag and walked out of the elevator to the narrow corridors of the hotel. Kendall silently followed you, probably as immersed in her thoughts as you were in yours. You almost kissed. You almost fucking kissed but she didn't let that happen. You had never wanted someone so much in your life and the only problem was that Kendall wasn't listening to her heart, she wasn't following it.

You impatiently waited for Kendall to open the white door that led to your room. In all honestly, all you wanted to do was cry but you wouldn't let her see you in that state. When she finally opened the door, you threw your bag on bed and informed her that you were going to take a shower. That was the only place you could cry and no one had to know about it. You took your time; you let your tears mingle with the warm water droplets on your face. The hot water caressed your skin, making your muscles relax. You got out of the shower and put your pajamas on, suddenly being hit with exhaustion; not only physical but also emotional exhaustion. You made your way back to the room and jumped into bed. You didn't even glance at Kendall who was apologetically gazing at you.

Rough Roads - Kendall Jenner ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now