T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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It had been quite a while since you had taken someone on a date and you wanted everything to be perfect. You had cleaned your whole house to welcome Kendall into your home. Your little apartment in Brooklyn was cozy and smelled nice. It was your tiny sanctuary. You had decided to cook some Chinese food for both of you and you had also prepared butter cake for dessert, which you remembered she always ordered it whenever you went out to eat.

You anxiously looked at the clock, knowing that Kendall would arrive in any minute. You had the table ready; you decorated it with some candles you had placed twelve red roses in a vase. Roses could not be mistaken for anything but love and that's what you wanted to communicate her. You knew you weren't ready to say it out loud yet but you were ready for her to know how you felt. The bell echoed on your apartment and you pressed the door button to let the photographer in. It wasn't long until you heard two knocks on the front door and suddenly felt even more anxious than before.

"Hi," Kendall timidly muttered when you opened the door. She was dressing casual, just as you had indicated; some dark high waisted jeans and a black off shoulder crop top that let her stomach to display.

"Hi," you said as timidly as her. "Come in," you welcomed her as you opened the door to let her in. Kendall walked through the short corridor that led to the dinning room where you had prepared the table.

"Nice place," she commented admiring every corner of your home. The photographer examined some portraits that were around; some of them were with your family, others with Michelle, there was one of when you went to college. "I have something for you," Kendall announced and gave you the cute gift bag that she was carrying and that you failed to notice.

"You didn't have to get me anything," you argued but proceeded to open the bag. You found yourself with a matte black photography album and you frowned. You examined its cover which read  in golden letters 'road trip' and down below yours and Kendall's names. You smiled appreciatively and opened it. You found all the pictures that held so much history and love; it wasn't just a road trip for you, it was a life-changing journey that had turned your life upside down. You had met the love of your life, you had traveled, you had learned, you had lost and you had won. Every picture had some words next to them and you remembered how Kendall had told you she used to scribble something down next to every picture. "This is... amazing."

"I keep my promises," the tall girl stated as she walked closer to you. "Didn't you say you wanted a copy of every photo?"

"I did," you beamed as you remembered telling that back in Moab, as you both were astonished with the sunset between the sandstones. "Do you have one too?"

"Yeah, I made two as soon as I got to Los Angeles that year. I was keeping it to give it to you when we reunited," she shrugged her shoulders and you smiled because she had hope to see you again.

You looked down to one of the photos where you were at the Grand Canyon Skywalk. You recalled that day as if it was yesterday; Kendall had hidden her camera and brought it to the glass platform that stood in the air. Cameras weren't allowed but she broke the rules and had snapped some photos not only of the sights but also of you. She had written right next to it: 'the girl of my dreams' and that was enough for you to close the album and to bring Kendall closer for a tender kiss. The photographer was surprised at first but then she let her lips roam over yours with the same intensity.

"You really need to stop doing that," you sighed as you pecked her lips a few good times.

"Doing what?"

"Being cute," the girl chuckled and you gave her a last peck. "I hope you like Chinese food."

"I do. Did you cook?" the brown-eyed girl followed you to the kitchen, looking surprised.

Rough Roads - Kendall Jenner ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now