I Challenge You

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      Now that I have said my piece, I challenge you. I will nominate 5 people and then, if you wish, you can also write one of these of your own.

    What do you Believe in? This I Believe challenge is about saying what you believe in. Not what you want to believe in, not fake tom foolery to make yourself look good, but what you actually live by. Your motto, your beliefs. Not political or religious, just...you. Being you, what helps you with that. What you believe, why you believe in it, how its helped you, how its changed over time.

    Look on theduchesswriter profile for the book This I Believe..... To have a deeper understanding of what you are writing, if you choose.

Those who I nominate don't have to do it. I just thought maybe you would want to....

My nominations are:






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