Food For Thought........

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             I have been thinking about a lot of things as of late. Such as, what does love really matter? Also, and more importantly, how the hell can you tell from the fake to sincere anymore?

           In a world full of emoji's, screens, and filters, it is tiring to try and sift through to find a genuinely deep person. Is it the one who posts all those quotes? The girl who has an entire Instagram page dedicated to selfies with "deep" messages beneath them? Or are they all just a ruse, and being "deep" is nothing more than a cliché?

           And what the hell is so wrong about being corny and cliché? With all the girls who want nothing more, or say they want nothing more, than laser tag and pizza for a perfect date. Deep down, they will actually want at least one date that is under the "corny" category. All picnics in the park or day long dates along the boardwalk. Hell knows I am one of those. Yeah, don't get me wrong, I'll take laser tag anyday , but I want at least one date where its corny and cliche as HELL.

         Wanna know my dream date?

         We meet at the library. They are waiting with nothing but a smile. We go to the back, hidden from view. Preferably with either a bay window or a beanbag chair, but a bookshelf and the ground would be just fine. We sit and talk, listen to music, or just read side by side. Or I'm reading to them while they play with my hair. Then we go to get a bite to eat, then off to the park. We swing, slide, and generally act like five year olds together. Then we climb the tower where the big slide is, and just sit there, looking at the stars. Maybe fall asleep or something else......

            You see? Something like that is always going to be on anyone's bucket list. But how would anyone know that? How do you even know that I am being genuine?

The answer is simple.

You don't.

But I guess all that matters is that YOU know you are genuine. Along with all the other people who you are closest to.

Just a little food for thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2017 ⏰

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