Chapter 9: Creek's revenge.

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Poppy was cowering in fear because Creek was right in front of her and Branch and he just stabbed Cooper. Branch hid Poppy behind him to protect her from Creek. "I thought I told you not to come back here Creek!" Branch said glaring and baring his teeth at Creek. Creek looked at him with an amused look. "Oh Branch don't act like you don't remember me. I always used to watch you when you were blue and repaired. You and Poppy used to know each other and were even a couple. You two always kissed and cuddled and did....things. Things I won't mention whenever the kids weren't here. I immediately got jealous of your relationship with each other so that day I kidnapped Branch and I turned on the scooper and scooped him and after that I used a spell I learned and I cast it on everyone in the pizzeria so Poppy and The Circus Pack could forget about Branch" Poppy and Branch both had surprised faces. It hit them. They both knew and loved each other all along. "but now that you two have reunited and kicked me out of the pizzeria I had to come back and get my revenge. Just take a look for yourselves." He said as he opened the door wider and Poppy's and Branch's jaws dropped and eyes widened in horror. The Circus Pack were scattered all over the floor. Broken, eyes black, their oil all over the floor. "No!!! Our friends gone." Poppy said as tears formed in her eyes. Branch brought her close to him and patted her back to comfort. "Yes and you two are next. But this axe is useless to me now I just wanted to use it on The Circus Pack. I'm going to turn you two off and take you to the scooping room and scoop you two." Creek said with an evil smile and inched towards the two. "Poppy run!" Branch said. Poppy did what he said and ran for the hills. Branch latched himself at Creek and the two began to brawl. "You've got some nerve coming back in here, kill The Circus Pack and attempting to hurt me and My Poppy!" Branch said with rage. "Pbbt oh please my friend that was just a beginner plan. I haven't done my original plan yet but now I have. Lights out Branch." Creek said with an evil voice and pressed the red button on Branch's chest. Branch's eye immediately became black and he fell limp to the floor. "Perfect." Creek said and lifted Branch with his hair and went to look for Poppy. Poppy was running until she reached the bathroom and hid in a stall. She was breathing and sobbing hard. She heard the bathroom door being opened and her stall as well. And to her horror Creek was right in front of her with a limp and powered off Branch in his hair. "Branch! No!" Poppy said reaching her hand out to Branch. Creek pressed her nose and she immediately fell to floor powerless. Creek picked her up and walked to the scooping room and threw the two animatronics on the floor and closed the door to go get some rope. Hey everyone this is the new chapter. Let me know what you think and I need to tell you guys I'm not going to update tomorrow because it's Easter and I'll be spending it with my family. Bye everyone and have a Happy Easter.

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