Chapter 2: Stuck on a Sinking Ship

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The mysterious driver slammed on Mel's breaks and turned around in his seat.

I kept screaming at the top of my lungs almost rendering them unless for talking later.

He reached into the back seat and clamped a hand over my mouth to silence my shrieks.

"God, you're going to give me even more of a headache." He said, his voice deep and hardly audible.

I bring my hands up and wildly flail them around hitting his face and chest multiple times before he catches both hands in his extra one. I struggle and try to get my hands free but I am reminded I really need to go to the gym soon.

He laughs and says, "Damn you are a feisty one, aren't you?"

You haven't even seen feisty yet. I think and bite down on his hand hard.

He yells out in pain and his hand slips from my face. I push his hand away and bolt for the door.

I pried open the door and clamber out of Mel. I at first crawl but hurriedly got to my feet and sprinted away from Mel and the jackass who stole him from me.

I run as fast as my stubby legs could carry me. After a minute I hear footsteps behind me. I try to run faster than my body could comprehend and ended up falling face first into the ground.

In only moments I was hauled up and onto my feet. I could now see that he was at least a head taller than me and I was only at his shoulder.

He wraps his arm around me, one over my ahoulders amd the other over my midsection. Once he knows he has a firm, unbreakable hold on me he starts to talk. Before he can I scream loudly and slam my foot back onto his toes.

He groans and drags me back to the car literally, kicking and screaming. He sets me down in the passenger seat and can almost close the door before I land a solid kick to his gut.

He goes to his side and gets in. Once he does I slap him straight across the face.

He winces and yet again grabs me by gripping both of my wrists in one hand and puts his other hand over my mouth. I struggle against him but my resistance is futile.

"Okay, now you're just pissing me off. There is two ways we can do this. One: I'm going to take my hand off your mouth and you'll tell me how you got into the car or two: I'm going to not give a shit how you got in and I'll just throw you out the window while we're going ninety miles per hour."

I see his teeth shine white in the darkness as he asks, "I'm going to just guess you want option number one. I'm going to take my hand off your mouth now okay?"

I nod vigorously and he lifts his hand up, off my mouth. I lick my lips and ask, "Why the fuck are you in my car? I don't have any money. I just got my break in my shift. I just wanted to take a nap in my car and then I wake up and you're here and and..."

I mumble away not making any sense before he cuts me off, "Look I really don't care anymore. I just need this car, okay?"

I nod and say, "You can have it just let me go."

He shakes his head almost looking...sad? "I can't let you go. You'll just run to the police."

I shake my head but I think he's talking more to himself than to me. "Fuck, I'm an idiot. Look, I'm not going to kill you but you need to just stick around with me while I straighten some things out."

I tilt my head and ask, "Straighten what out exactly?"

He shakes his head and smiles, "That's confidential, muffin."

I nod and play innocent as I ask, "Can you let go of my wrists you're kinda hurting them." I throw in a frown and a look of pain while I'm at it.

He hesitates before slowly releasing my hands.

Once he lets go I punch him in the face with one hand and then immediately shove him back with the other.

He falls back into the front seat fully and I lunge over to the door and pull it open.

I can hardly feel the cold on my skin as I sprint away from the car and down the road.

Behind me I hear a yell of frustration and pounding feet on the pavement. I take a glance over my shoulder and see him sprinting after me and gaining quickly.

I speed up and after a few seconds I feel something wrap around my waist and pull me back against a hard surface I turn my head and I am greeted by a cold, furious stare.

He doesn't say anything as he drags me back, kicking and screaming, to the car. He pins me against the car and reaches into it to pull out the blanket.

He rips a strip off of it and ties my wrists together making them basicly unless for fighting.

He tears another and wraps it around my head securing it in my mouth so I cannot scream anymore.

He pulls me close and whispers in my ear, "You have no idea what you're dealing with, muffin. Try something like that again and I will leave you on the side of the road."

I nod and he pushes me into the passenger seat this time. He slams the door and walks around to his side before getting in.

I feel like I'm awake for hours before sleep starts to take over and claim me.


Hello fellow human lifeforms. I find writing this really fun sadly no one has read anything yet and with me patience is a virtue I do not have. I hope this story will catch on soon.

Fun fact of the day: Ketchup was sold as medicine in the 1830s. Think of that next time you're eating a hotdog.

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