Chapter 10: Suicide Attement 2

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Aria's p.o.v.

(2 weeks later)

It's been two weeks since Jasmine and I broke up. Her cheating on me was a big Turing point in my love life. I still love Jasmine but if she can keep her lips on someone else other then mine then so be it. I thought she loved me. Guess not. I wonder how's she doing. She hasn't text in like 3 days. The last thing she said was 'I love you so much I can't stand the fact I'm not their for you know I really screawed up. But I'm gonna fix it. I'm leaving. Its no't your fault it was my time. I really love you Ally. I'm sorry we couldn't work out. I love you bye.' It really sounded like she was leaving but I wonder were she's go I mean she only has her mom and dad. Were else would she go? Heaven? And then it hit me like a brick wall.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD! EMILY I NEED YOU TO TAKE ME TP JASMINES NOW.!" I shouted as I ran down stairs in my white shorts and sports bra.

"Why?" She simily asked.

"Just come on!" I hollered as I ran towards the car. Emily jumped on a speed down the steep hills until we reached Jassys house. I ran out of the car towards I door. I banged on the wooden door so hard my knuckles began to bleed. Jasmines mom answered the door after 20 damn minutes.

"WERES JASMINE?" I asked loudly.

"Aria I think you need to take a seat," she calmly said.

"Aria over the years Jasmine had some problems. For example she was very scared and lonely majority of the time even with friends around. And when she found you she felt whole. She was the happiest person alive. But when you left she... She mentally broke down. Se didn't eat refused to take her meds. So one night I went out with her father. We couldn't handle her. She was out of control and I didn't want her to get beat or hurt in anyway by her father. So when we came home we found her sleeping. Or so we thought she slept all day. And when I went to wake her up. I pulled off her covers and found 2 bottles of my sleeping meds empty. She's in a coma and she's not going to make it." She said with no emotion. At that moment I broke down screaming yelling Emily grabbed me and tried to hold me down but I fought back. Kicking scratching punching her. I ran out if the house with Emily on my heels calling demi. I ran were no one else could find me not even Jasmine the only person that could was Francis and his in New York.

"WHY? Why god? WHY MIST YOU TAKE EVERYTHING I LOVE AWAY?" I hollered at the thunderous dark clouds. It's night time about 8:30. I walk deeper into the strange woods. I find myself at the tree. The tree were I was when I was going to die. But Francis stopped me last time and he's not here now. I looked over the clif and saw the deep slop. I didn't think it would come to this but it has. I took a step back. Then began walking forward. Eyes closed I was thinking of all the great things I had in life. I was pulled out of my thoughts.

"ARIA DONT!" I heard a familiar voice holler. I tried to turn around but before I could I slipped a fell over the Clift. I grabbed the edge and tried to pull myself up. Then I felt the hands of and angel pull me over the Clift. I felt directly on top of the beautiful girl. I mean my beautiful girlfriend.

"I-I thought you w-we're died!" I screamed! Tears streaming down my cheeks.

"No! My mom and dad sent me to a mental hospital and Emily found out and released me." She exclaimed as she pulled me back down on the ground.

"I-I thought I lost you!" I cried. She similarly shook her head and pinned me on the grass and began to kiss me uncontrollably. I joined in and kissed her back. We had an ex stream make out session. Until Demi called me.

"Mmm bae," I whispered.

"Yes mom?" I asked.

"Come home now for bloody hell!" She yelled. I flinched at the sound of her angers voice.

"Okay momma." I quickly said. I hung up the phone and helped Jasmine up.

"Everything okay?" She asked.

"No I'm in deep shit but it was worth it! I love you baby." I said before I planted a passionate kiss on her soft lips.

Broken SmileOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora