Chapter 26 Meet Aria

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Demi's p. o. v.

Today I was taking Aria to meet my mom and sister. I've told them about her but they've never met her. I've decided to make Aria breakfast since she was still sleeping even tho it's 10:30 am.

"Morning mom!" Aria smiles running down the stairs.

"Morning sweetie." I smiled.

"We're is Dani?" She asked. Confused.

"I broke up with him." I mumbled.

"Mum? Why?" She whispers.

"It's nothing I just don't need a boyfriend right now I have everything I need." I smiled.

"But what about pleasure?" Aria says while smirking. I flick her head an she fake cries.

"So I have an surprise." I smiled drinking my coffee.

"Mmm?" she mumbles eating her jelly toast.

"So I'm taking you to meet my mom and sister." I smile. she chokes on her food and coughs.

"What?!" She screams while hugging me. I simply nod and she races upstairs.

Aria's p. o. v.

After Demi told me I was finally meeting my Grandmom I was so happy! I've never met her yet, but I love her.

"Aria come on!" Demi hollered excitedly.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." I mumbled.

I walked down the stairs and saw a lady next to Demi.

"Oh Aria this is Selena. We've known each other since I was 6." She smiled.

"Hiya! it's really nice to meet you. I'm Aria." I smiled gently shaking her.

"I'm Selena, but you can call me Shelly," I nodded and we began to leave. It took us like and hour to get their, but I didn't care I wanted to meet Maddie! Even tho she's like my aunt or something.

"Aria your talking out loud again." Demi laughed.

"Awe Sweetie, leave the girl alone." Selena smiled. Demi gave her a stern look and Selena put her hands up in defense.

I smiled "Mommy you can twll me if you go out!" I exclaimed in a baby voice. Demi slammed in the break pedal, causing me to fall forward.

"What the fuck!" I yelled as I sat back down.

"Watch your damn mouth!" Demi hollered. Selena lightly laughed.

"Is their something funny?" Demi rudely asked.

"Yea, you tell her to watch her mouth then you cruse!" She laughed. I started to giggle at Selena's sarcasm.

"Mom I like her!" I smiled. It was a pretty long ride to my grandmoms house. Demi kept singing the ENTIRE TIME! I was really tired so I decided to take a nap.


"Awe Demi she's so pretty!" I heard a sweet voice say.

"She's not pretty Amber she's beautiful!" I heard another say.

"Mmm?" I mumbled as I sat up.

"Hi, sweetie I'm Dianna!"Demi's mom whispered sweetly.

"Hi! I'm Aria!" I smiled extending my hand to give her a hand shake. She shooked her head and gave me a hug.

"This is Maddie she's 14." I smiled and went to give her a hug.

"Ugh! Could you not?" She groaned. I quickly stepped back a looked down.

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