Chaptet 25: Innocent? Or Naw

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I woke up already 3:00 in the morning . I felt a hot warm breath on my neck.

"Are you up?" Niall asked. I turned around and nodded.

"Let's play a game!" He smirked.

"What game do you play at 3:00 in the morning?" I asked. It took Niall a minute to figure a game out.

"Okay so we kiss and who ever touches the other person loses. The person that wins can go anything they want with the loser." Niall smirked.

This kiss was different I felt just different. His tongue fought to come in but I wouldn't let him until he bit my bottom lip causing me to gasp. I placed my hand on his cheek to give a more forceful kiss. He smirked and pulled backed.

"I win." he whispered nibbling on my earlobe. He grabbed my waist and flipped me I was now on the bottom. He whispered things into my ear making me feel ..... good.

"N-Niall." I moaned as he took off my dress.

Demi's p.o.v.

I woke up thinking about Aria. Did we really let her stay with Niall? I thought

"Baby why are you up? It's like 3:30?" Dani mumbled while he pushed my flowing pink hair out of my face.

"Did we really like Aria stay at Niall's?" I asked worriedly. He shook his head.

"I'm gonna ca-" Before I could continue my my sent I was cut off.

"Baby she's not a BA-" before Dani could say anything else I cut HIM off.

"She's a baby now shut up." I giggled while I called Aria.

"He-llo." Aria panted.

"What are you doing panting at 3:00 in the morning." I sternly asked.

"I-I was using the bathroom and my phone was going off so...... I ran to get it." She whispered.

"Okay I'll ge-" she cut me off.

"Mom in tryi-ng to sl-eep." She mumbled.

"Okay." I replied. I was about to lay back down when I realized Aria didn't hang up the phone in her side. I put my phone on mute and listened.

"Niall!" Aria screamed.

"Ari-a your so tight!" I heard Niall moan.

"DANI COME ON!" I hollered as I ran towards the car.

Aria's p.o.v.

I moaned as Niall thrusted in and out of me. He was gently tho. At first it hurt. But I soon began to feel pleasure.

"OMG Niall my phone!" I screamed as he pulled out of me.

"It was on the whole time!" I hollered.

"OMG! Do you this De-" I he was cut off.

"YEA I FUCKING HEARD YOU DICKHEAD!" Demi screamed. I quickly grabbed Niall's hand and want into the bathroom.

"Aria come the hell on!" Demi yelled.

"Mom, stop okay! I'm getting dressed." I whispered as I pulled my top over my head.

"Aria please don't leave." Niall whispered.

"Nialler I'm in deep shit right now do you see how she's being right now?" I asked.

"Yea but." I gently placed my hand on his cheeks and kissed him.

"Babe I'll be back tomorrow." I smiled while pushing his hair out if his face.

"ARIA!" Demi hollered.

"I'm coming im coming!" I mumbled walking out the bathroom. Demi grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room.

"Your fucking 15 having sex! Are you freaking kidding me?" She taunted.

"15 having sex, cutting, purging, what else Aria? What the fuck else?" she screamed slamming the car door.

"Do you smoke? Do you drink? Do you do drugs? Come Aria tell your mom what else you do!" she hollered. I wasn't really paying attention to her while she was yelling. I didn't care what she said.

"I love Niall." I mumbled.

"Ha! Your 15 you know nothing!" She yelled slamming on the break.

"How could you say that?" I spat. "Your supposed to be a inspiration to millions of kids, but you son even understand your own! Mom this is my life I'm going to make mistakes okay! that's part of living you make mistakes you learn from them! But I'm the type of person that makes the mistake 6 times just to make sure it's a mistakes!" I paused. "I'm trying okay? Can't you see that I'm trying to be the "Perfect Daughter" I'm changing slowly! But I'm trying to be a better person and I truly hope you see that mom. Theirs been a thousand times when I wanted to cut, but chose not to because of you. You my inspiration. You make me strong. Mom okay. I'm trying. I'm trying." I mumbled. it was quite for a minute.

"Babe I don't want you to be perfect I want you to be yourself. I know your trying and I can see that, but I don't want you to get pregnant at 15. You have your whole life ahead of you especially for your singing career. babe we all make mistakes, and I don't want you to make the same mistakes I did. I was a reck when I was your age. I needed to be saved from myself. Remember when i first saw you what did I say? I said and I quote 'Your not weak. Baby your no where near weak you came this far you can become stronger then ever. I was in the same place you are in now. And I got help. After I can out of rehab I felt free from myself.' Your becoming free. Your letting go and showing your true colors babe girl I couldn't be more proud of you! I love you Aria! Your the best daughter ever!" she smiled


Hiya! So watcha think? I hope you enjoyed it!! WUV you guys a lot!!

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