Foreshadowing at it's Worst

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   Richard sighed as she spun her spoon around her hand. She hated being stuck like this, waiting like a princess. If Karine wanted her to scream, she had another thing coming at her.

   And, if you were wondering, that other thing was curse words.

   Richard knew that Nyxium, Richard, and Fleur would come for her. Karine never had good plans, and it was their duty to make sure she was stopped. Even if they wouldn't come just for Richard, they would come to stop the extinction of humanity.

   Suddenly, a large bang rang through the hallway that sounded like a gunshot. Richard jumped up, shocked.

   "What's going on?" She half shouted to receive, of course, no answer. She sighed, and desperately began kicking the door.

"Nothing,"Nyxium whispered as he opened another door. He was holding his gun with great confidence, and Triste realized they would hate to be on the wrong side of it.

   Triste turned their head towards Nyxium at the exact moment to avoid a kitchen knife flying towards them. They reflexively shot their gun, and heard a sickening thump. Nyxium rushed to the assistance of the attacker, a servant boy.

   "It's just grazed them," Nyxium declared with a relieved sigh, pulling off the servants over shirt and using it as a makeshift bandage. "They must've been under Karine's control."

   When he was done, they returned to their search, keeping on the lookout.

   "Wait," Triste held up their hand. As soon as Nyxium's footsteps silenced, they both heard the sound of someone pounding on a door. They looked at each other, nodded, and headed towards the sound.

   "Richard!" Triste called as they her their cousin's shouts. "Are you okay?"

   "Yes, just bored and frustrated!" Richard replied with a groan. "Can you get me out?" Triste tried the doorknob, but it was locked and neither of them knew how to pick a lock.

   "Excuse me," Nyxium said. Triste moved to the side. "Move away from the door Richard." He warned.

   After Richard assured him that she was no where near the door, he kicked it down. Surprisingly it only took one kick, most likely because it was old.

   "Richard!" Both Nyxium and Richard smiled. Richard flashed them a smile, and was about to thank them for coming for her, when two quick shots fired off.

   Nyxium spun around, just in time to see Triste collapse to the floor and Karine take her aim once again.

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