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I remember falling asleep on the bench at the park. I know it's weird and very hobo like but I was just so tired of running I must've just fell asleep.

But I woke up in my room again. Taehyung wasn't sleeping by me. In fact he wasn't in the room. Did I sleep walk home?

As I sit up and walk around, Taehyung comes through the door with a glass of water. He sees me and stops there, frozen almost.

"Hey.." he said in a low voice. I could barely hear him. I roll my eyes and stretch my arm out.

"Hurry and give me the water." I say annoyed. He quickly gives me the water and I drink all of it. Running is not meant for me did I mention?

I look at him annoyed. "How did I get home you ugly whore bag." lazily, I toss the cup at him.

He catches it as if he saw that coming. "Your head ass slept on the bench. My reputation could be ruined thanks to you." He says while running a hand through his hair.

He sighs and puts his hands on his hips and looks back at me annoyed.

"Don't sleep on the bench outside next time. Sheesh." He says. He turns around and closes the door behind him. Is Kim Taehyung the one annoyed at me now? Woah that's something new.

I get up from the bed and walk downstairs, trailing after Taehyung. As I make it down the stairs I can hear the growling in my stomach. So can Taehyung.

"You're hungry?" He says from the kitchen. I roll my eyes.

"No my stomach just growls whenever I don't eat anything." I say with a sarcastically. He glances at me and shrugs.

"You're a pain did I mention?" He says while pulling out pans and bowls from the kitchen cabinets.

I sit down on the stools and rest my chin in my right palm. I lean right and look at him with sharp eyes.

"You're an ass did I mention?" I say with a smirk across my face. He ignored my insult and continues to cook for me.

I give him a dirty look as he gives me the plate of food. He disgusts me. Kim Taehyung disgusts me in every way.

He's a lying cheater, a bastard, a womanizer, a bitch, all those horrible things. I absolutely hate hate hate him-

"I'm sorry. She kissed me...not the other way around." He says in a low, almost quiet voice. It snaps me from my internal screaming.

I blink my eyes a couple times to process whats going on. Oh right, he's confessing to me. Duh.

"Oh...I see." I say as I take a bite from the food. Well isn't this just great. He's being so cute and nice, right after I was just internally screaming at him. Thanks for that Taehyung now I'm getting mixed mother fucking feelings.

"Do you forgive me?" He says sympathetically. I look over and shrug.

"I mean I guess..." I say pretending to not be happy. Taehyung looks at me and smiles widely.

"But lets do this." I say while putting my fork down. I have a strong feelings there will be differences in this relationship.

"Do what?" He says, resting his chin in his hands. I lean in and smile.

"Let's have a truce. To show that we both not only call off this on and off war and to make sure that we both are loyal to each other."

Taehyung tilts his head to the side and looks up thinking about the offer. I mean come on this is the greatest offer I can possibly offer. What else would he want me to do?

"Do we have a deal Mr. Kim?" I say as I pull out my hand, signaling him that if he agrees, we shake on it.

He looks at me and raises an eyebrow. He takes out his hand too, linking it with my hands.

"Deal Mrs. Kim."

Forced marriage II Taehyung X Jennie ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن