Episode 5 - Pride Game Part 2

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     Fool little angel, Urie thought she can outmind me, but I have a better plan to make Lindsey's mind change. I called on Aracno, my spider mascot and said "Aracno, activate metamorphosis"

     I became a company President pretending to be walking on the park while talking on the phone and carrying a portfolio. I saw Lindsey walking this way and I immediately start my plan

"Yes, Lulu. I'll be there shortly" I snap as Lindsey walk pass at me and intentionally slip my portfolio and all its contents fall. To her surprise, she looked back and offered help.

"Oh, how clumsy of me"

"Its alright, I can help you" she assumed, as she tries to gather all the papers but stopped when she notice a folder with a PLAN written on it. She picked it up, and handed it to me. "May I ask, what business do you do?"

She took the bait.

     "I'm a company President and designer of the Cabiria's Fashion. I worked hard to get on top"

"Don't you have partners that can help you with that"

"Yes, I did. But they turned their back on me, so I prove that I'm the best" I took the folder from her hands and wave her a goodbye, as I'm walking away I heard her thoughts:

     "It's best that I compete on the competition myself, I'm the one whose best in class and Rachel admitted that she's not as good as me"


     With Cabiria flying beside me, we follow Lindsey as she headed to the arts room and to our surprised we saw her Teacher, Rachel, and a few of her classmates comforting Rachel from her cries.

"What happened?!" Lindsey ask

     As soon as I opened the door to the art room I saw my Teacher and Rachel crying as she was being comforted by my few classmates.

"What have you done Lindsey?" In anger the Teacher ask

I made a questionable look and looked around. The room is full of a mess, paints splattered on the floor, portraits and some of painting are now ruined in colored paint blocking the artist true painting.

"I saw her, Sir! She came here ruining our painting" one girl said

"That's not true!" I snap

"I saw her too! She was murmuring how best she is and that she's the only one who should compete in the nationals" a boy said

"I told  you that's not true!" I eagerly said

"Then how do you explain that!" Rachel stops from crying and pointed out two painting, the other one has the scenery which looked like the park, but its in drenched paint and look worse than the others and the one beside it, was mine, completely fine.

"What? But I would never..." the stares from my classmates stopped me from saying that I didn't do it

"Lindsey, you're a promising painter, but why this?" Teacher said as he tries to find answers through my eyes

"But I didn't do it really!" I snap

"She's lying!" The girl again snaps

"I'm afraid with this witnesses and with your painting more fine than the others, I have to suspend you from art class and disqualified you from participating in the nationals"

With what my Teacher said, the world turned black and to the point I couldn't breathe, I fell down.


     "What did you do, Cabiria?!" I ask as soon as I saw Lindsey on the ground unconcious "You made her do it, aren't you"

"Hold on Angel, even if I'm a Devil I wouldn't let my terrestrial do that!" Cabiria snap

"Then what on Earth happened?! If it isn't you? Then who did this?!"


     Reina is watching through the screens and laughs as soon as she saw Urie have a worried look on her face "I made that Urie, I made your terrestrial suffer!" She continues to laugh until Blu appeared in front of her.

"I've done what you asked" she said

"Yes, I can see that!" Reina snaps and took a sit. Beside her is a sphere, its dark and broken. Its seated on a staff just as half the size of Reina "Until the black sphere is fix, you have to continue this!"

"Yes, of course!" and soon she turned into mist and disappeared. Reina was left behind, not by chains, but her tendency to leave. Soon! As soon as the black sphere is fixed, I'll exact my revenge! Once again, Reina laughed with all her will.

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