Episode 14 - It can be challenging

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I woke up with a pain in my head and feeling the cold of the floor. I tried to get up, but it cause my head to go dizzy. I re-focus my eyes and hear Cox buzzing next to my ears.

"I'm okay now, Cox" I reassured him

I look around and saw Sulfus, lying in the ground, unconscious.

"Sulfus! Sulfus!" I shout, moving him as I try to wake him up "Sulfus! Wake up!"


I hear a voice. Its faint, but its trying to reach to me. Its voice is familiar.

"-fus! -ulfus! Sulfus!"

I opened my eyes, seeing Raf calling to me with a worried look.

"Raf...?" I ask

I tried to get up, and my mind went hazy.

"Sulfus, are you okay?"

I look at Raf and smiled "Yes, my angel"

Raf smiled back at me "Well, who won the challenge?"

The challenge room soon flickers its light as soon as Raf said that. It's light turned into red, then blue, then red, then blue again. It continues to flicker, until it ended on red.

"Looks like I won the challenge" I smirk

Raf laughed lightly and gave me a competitive look "You might've won the challenge, but you still haven't won whose side is Aiden on"

"Oh, we both know who's he gonna pick" I said back

I took a stand, preparing myself to call Basilisk when all of a sudden Raf stopped me.

"What is it, Raf?"

Raf looked into my eyes and look away.

"What's wrong, Raf?"

Raf took a breath and looked at me again "After doing the challenge, I saw something, and I'm not sure if its right"

"What is your challenge?" I ask worriedly.

She took a breath again and shakes her head "I'll tell you after this, Aiden needs us"

Raf gave me a determined look, but I do know that there's something wrong and its giving her a hard time, but still, she is right, our terrestrial needs us. I took Raf's hand, bring it closer to my chest and said "Promise me you'll tell me what you did earlier"

Raf nodded "I will"

I smiled and this time called Basilisk "Basilisk, activate metamorphosis!"


It's already late at night, the moon nor the stars can't be seen in the sky. I wonder if its going to rain? I got up from my bed, and pick up my guitar. I took a sit and lightly brush my fingers across the strings. Chris and Mason's words cross my mind

You can't possibly let your brother join our band, Aiden. Luca is not that great yet.

Their words are true. Luca is not that good playing guitar yet, and he needs lots of time to get the hang of playing the guitar. I took a deep breath, and place my guitar gently by the wall, when I heard my door opened.

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