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Happy Easter!

I decided to not do any goals anymore, but more of an update schedule:

Monday: Wolves

Wednesday: Kitten Boy

Friday: Beg for Mercy

Sunday: Home

But if the amount of votes/comments is going down drastically, then I will go back to the goals, because there are so many people reading my stories, but only a few vote and comment, but this are things that keep me motivated, so please do vote and comment, because that means a lot to me and will keep me motivated which means more updates!

After they had watched the second movie as well, Louis decided to go home, because he had to work on the next day. It was already nearing midnight, so Liam was exhausted as well. When Louis had left, Liam went to his room and changed into shorts and a pair of loose joggers, before he went to check up on Niall again. When he got there, he saw Niall trying to get off the bandage, that was over his blind eye. "Hey Nialler", Liam said softly and went over to the boy's crib, where he knelt down beside and softly grabbed the boy's hands.

"Don't pull on your bandages, baby, they must stay on until you're all better again." Liam explain and put Niall's hands down beside the boy, who looked intently at Liam. "You nice, why nice?" Niall asked and Liam's heart broke into thousand tiny pieces. "That's the way everybody should be treated, you're no exception. What has been done to you, has been wrong and I just want to make it better." Niall still stared at Liam and seemed to be deep in thought, before he shrugged his shoulders and turned on his side.

Liam smiled at the boy and combed his fingers through the boy's hair, before he stood up again. "Goodnight", he said and went to walk out of the room. "Daddee?" Niall called, his voice sounding panicked. Liam sighed softly, before he turned around again. "What's wrong, Nialler?" He asked and the boy made grabby hands at Liam. So, Liam went over and grabbed the boy out of his crib. "Aren't you tired?" Liam asked and the boy nodded. "Then why don't you go to sleep?" "Afraid", Niall whispered and Liam sighed again. There went his sleep. "Do you want to sleep with me, in my bed?"

Niall thought about it for a while and Liam thought that Niall had fallen asleep, when he heard Niall speaking up again. "Pwease", he whispered and Liam smiled at him. "Then let's go", Liam said and walked with Niall in his arms, to his bedroom. There he put Niall on the right side, before he went over to the left one. He turned his back to the boy, because it was normal for him to sleep on his left side, but something poked him in the back. "Daddee?" Niall whispered and poked him again.

Liam groaned inwardly and turned around. When he laid on his back, Niall immediately cuddled into his side and before Liam could say anything, Niall had fallen asleep in Liam's arms. Liam sighed for the hundredths time this night and grabbed his hair in a fist with his unoccupied hand. "For fuck's sake, Louis", he groaned and tugged on his hair. He had never imagined that his life would turn out like this. He was still young and he had so much planned, but everything went to waste when Louis had come to him to talk about his latest case. Liam closed his eyes and slowly he also fell asleep.

It was when the sun was shining right into his face, that Liam was awoken and he groaned, because he was still very tired and his arm was hurting him a lot. He looked over and saw that Niall was still asleep. He cooed at the sight of the small boy cuddled into his side, even though he couldn't see his face, because it was still hallway covered by a bandage and the other side was smudged into his arm. Liam watched Niall for a while, before the urge to pee become too much and he slowly detangled Niall from himself, before he rushed into the bathroom.

When he had relieved himself, he went back to his room, where he saw a panicked Niall, who was sitting atop his bed. "Morning Nialler", Liam said softly and went over to the boy.  He cuddled the boy into his arms before he smelled a disgusting smell and he immediately knew, that Niall's diaper was full. Liam picked the boy up and went to the boy's room where he laid him down on the changing table. He nearly gagged when he opened the straps of the diaper and was hit with the disgusting smell again.

He held his nose, and disposed the diaper, before he cleaned Niall and wrapped him up in a new diaper. When he was finished and Niall was content, they went to the kitchen, where Liam sat Niall down in a high chair, before he prepared a fresh bottle of milk for the blonde. When it was finished, he fed Niall and burped him again, before he moved them to the living room, where he turned the TV on and searched for a children channel. When he had made sure, that Niall was interested in the movie that was on TV, he went to his laptop in the room beside the living room, where he began to answer a few emails for his work. He still hadn't told his father about the real reason for taking a break for a while and he didn't know how to approach the matter, because he knew his father would not be very happy about the latest developments in Liam's life and Liam could understand it. But he knew that he had to tell his father soon, before he would have to go on another trip, because he couldn't just leave his Niall behind. Not now at least, when the boy had to learn how to trust other people again.

He couldn't understand how someone could do this to their own child. He knew that kids were exhausting and could be quite annoying, but wanting to kill them? That was something Liam would never be able to understand. He had never expected that his life would revolve around a teenage boy who was acting like he was only a few years old. Someone, who had gone through so much in his short life. Someone, who would be scarred for the rest of his life, physically and psychically.

But look where he was now and he knew for sure, that this was the best thing that could have happened to him.

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