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They fight me, vigorous and angry, watch them pounce,
Ignite me, licking up the flames they bring about.
"Alexandria." Andrew beckoned to one of his servants, Alexandria very easily made Octavia uncomfortable as she knew of the adultery that Andrew was partaking in with Alexandria when he was punishing Octavia and would've been ignoring her and although Octavia did not love Andrew it upset her that he would remain unable to stay loyal whilst she was stuck with him and only him.
"Yes master Collins?" The blond frowned when she entered the room and seeing what was in front of her.
A dressed up Octavia in a beautiful black ball gown along with a pair of shimmering silver heels. Andrew stood nearby wearing a neat black suit with shiny polished black shoes, his black his slicked back to match.
The harsh words that Alexandria had once spoken to Octavia flickered around violently inside her head when the two girls locked eyes. Alexandria was vigorous and angry when it came to seeing Andrew and Octavia together and maybe that was why it was she who Andrew had called down to attended his inquires.
"Does she look good enough to stand by my side tonight?" He asked not even glancing at the lesser classed girl.
"For an incredibly handsome man, Master Collins it would be hard for anyone to look good next to you. However she looks as good as she possible good."
"Good." Andrew didn't want Octavia to steal his spotlight as this was his ball that he was throwing to show his new dominance and power that he had brought to mystic falls, though he did want her to look beautiful.
"Does something seem off about him?" Matt asked Tyler, the two wore their fancy suits along with the rest of their friends,
"Who?" Tyler asked, to which Matt nodes his head over at the host of the party, Andrew.
And to any love believer the moment Tyler set his eyes on Octavia would have been the money he fell in love and when Octavia's eyes met his.. well that would have just been fait.

Hold Me Down//Tyler Lockwood.Where stories live. Discover now