Chapter 3:

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  "Your backpack is embarrassing me." Josh says while we get into his red Mercedes. I had a black backpack covered in unicorns. "My backpack is amazing." I say. "I will buy you a new one just so when we get out of the car at school I will be slightly less embarrassed." He says starting the engine. "Are you saying you are embarrassed to be seen with me?" I say with a fake gasp. "Ya." He says without hesitating. "You are so mean." I say sitting back in my seat.

  "Josh, my man!" Josh's best friend, Matt says as we get out of the car. "Why-" Matt starts to say pointing at me. "I'll explain later." Josh says.
"I have a small feeling Josh is embarrassed to been seen with me." I say to Zara as we walk toward our other friends.

"Hey!" Our other friends, Jacey and Alexa say as we walk over. "Hey!" Zara and I say in unison. "How's life treating ya?" Alexa asks bouncing up and down. "Why are you so happy?" I ask her. "Cause.. you and Josh have been hanging out!" She screams. All my friends have thought since 3rd grade that Josh likes and Alexa is the one that started it. "Oh my gosh you guys, I do NOT like him and he does NOT like me and even if one of us liked each other, which we don't, he has a GIRLFRIEND!" I say looking around to make sure that nobody hears me. "She's in denial." Jacey says. "If he doesn't like you then why has he been staring at you for the past 5 minutes?" Zara says nodding her head behind me at Josh and his friends. "Now he's walking over here." Alexa say now jumping around like a maniac. "Great just great!" I say sarcastically.

"Morning ladies!" Josh says walking up in between Jacey and I. "Morning Josh!" Alexa, Jacey and Zara say in unison. "Come on Bachel don't act like you don't love me." Josh says looking at me. "Not acting." I say patting him on the shoulder. Just then Josh's girlfriend, Alice aka the the most popular girl in school and leader of the cheer squad, walks up to us and wiggles her way between Josh and I. "Hey guys!" She says very cheerfully. We all the smile and then the bell rings and Josh walks away. "Hey Rachel, stay away from my boyfriend." Alice says dropping her nice girl act before skipping away to Josh. I just rolled my eyes and walked to class.
Authors Note:
Hey! So what do you think of Alice? There will be a picture of her at the top of the next part. I know this chapter isn't SUPER long but it is about 400 words. Also this story is loosely based off  me and my friends obviously not the story but the way we act.

Teaser: Zara and Rachel have a movie night with an uninvited guest

See ya suckers!

Love ya!

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