A Born Badass

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Check 1...2...3. Is the thing on? Oh well. Hello. I'm Melody Michaels. The current WWE Women's Champion and current WWE World Heavyweight Champion. I know what you are saying. "How can a women have a man's champion?" But that's because I'm a badass and I can take what I want. Don't get me wrong. It was hard work and hard core training and mental preparation but I didn't back down from the fight. Being a 2nd generation diva is some hard [beep]. Having all these expectations of being just like you father or mother. Oh [beep] wait. I didn't tell you about my father. As you can see by my last name, my father is the one and only Shawn Michaels. Yeah yeah I know. How can an old man have such a sexy and beautiful daughter? He can manage.

But anyway, my life isn't all what is cut out to be. Yeah on TV I'm this confident, crazy badass who doesn't take [beep] from anyone and that's true but we as athletes have so much pressure from media and...family and friends to where we shut down everything. We are human too but we are just having struggles in the spotlight. Speaking of the spotlight, why is it that celebrities get hated on by people who do the same thing just without the whole world watching them. People make mistakes and we learn. Stupid idiots. But anyway, I started out going to NXT. There I dominated and destroyed the NXT roster. After I got drafted, it was harder than I expected it to be. But obviously, I overcame it and conquered everything.

I grew up in San Antonio, Texas. My parents are again Shawn Michaels and Rebecca Curci. I always use to watch my dad and mom wrestle on television and thought to myself, "One day that will be me." When I was younger in school, I use to be bullied because I had more curves than other girl in my school. I was told that I looked like I was supposed to be in strip club because I was only great for my body and looks. I think that's what got me into wrestling. The built up anger and pain of that wanted me to prove I am more than a pretty face and that I can beat any male and female's ass.

I think my dad's reaction when I told him I wanted to join was a mix of...anger and appreciation. Like...he didn't want me to be in the lifestyle but he was honored that I wanted to be just like him and my mom. He trained me and took me over my limits and expectations. He made me wrestle a sumo wrestler dude. If that isn't wrestling training to it's finest than I don't what the [beep] it.

But anywho, this book is the story of a badass. Sit back. Kick your feet up and ride along with me as I take you down to memory lane.

The cameraman looked up and said,"Melody you didn't even introduce your-." But, he was quickly interrupted.

They will see. I want them to feel the pain, happiness, and anger I felt all these years. I want to put them in my shoes. I want them to experience every single emotion that went through my body and relate to my experiences and learn from it. The important thing I want them to learn, is to be Born a Badass.


[clears throat] Okay I'm finished.

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