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Oh god...

What can I say about Colby Daniel Lopez? He's a true character. When I met him, it was like a waterfall of fineness just in my pants like [whoosh]. Every time we are at home, I tell him that at random times and he hates it. I don't even know why but he gets so irritated and angry and it's so fucking hot. So I just do it. Also, I knew he was the one when he loved my father.

My dad is everything to me. He's my best friend and my comforter. When I felt the pressure of the company, he helped me with personal experiences from his time in the WWE. It helped me throughout my whole career. Even now I still call him when the company is weighing me down.

Being a main event isn't always the perfect moment.

The person filming asked, "Does Colby help you when the pressures of the company weigh you down?"

Cole helps me through a lot on the road. When we are in the locker room and I just lost a match, he told me that I have to lose to win the game. He also told me that the most athletic woman had to lose in order to be the greatest of all time. It made me feel so much better about being in the company. Well...until I get upset and mad again about losing a match.

In the mist of her talking, little did she know that Colby was standing right behind the camera, listening to every word she said about him, thinking he was the luckiest guy in the world. He never thought he would meet such a down to earth woman who loves him just as much as he loves her. In the middle of him thinking Melody noticed him and smiled widely.

As much as I can't go on about him, I think we should move right along before Cole starts making more heart eyes are me.

The interviewer laughs and moves along with the subject. "What was your love life like before Colby," he asked.

My love life was horrible. I never thought that I would be in a relationship I actually enjoyed and loved to be in. My worst relationship was with my ex. He used me for my money and my body and I started incorporating that into my techniques in the ring because of the built in anger. I still have a lot of anger inside of me but I don't act on it because I'm in a place where I'm happy and I don't need to think of the past because I have a man that actually loves me and has been there for me through everything in NXT. Why would I think of a [beep] that has nothing going for himself and is probably [beep] every other [beep] in the [beep] city? That's not my problem anymore. I'm Gucci. I'm happy and I'd like to stay that way. And if it means to [beep] my man every day and night then so be it.

Everyone in the room claps and laughs and her statement while Colby stands there blushing and laughing.

Isn't life good? I got two championships. I have a wonderful husband and life. I have food in my bag. Everything is going right.

Or is it?

Nah it is. I just wanted to add the effect.

Now it's getting awkward. Cut the camera please. [She laughs and blushes]

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2018 ⏰

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