Wolves Den

572 18 16

Pidge stumbled across the floor, trying his best to not drop the shuttle cock. With haste, I backed up and prepared for pidge to return a strike back.

"Take this!".

With force, he sent the shuttle cock flying towards me at high speeds. I guess luck was on my side, because I hit it away just as it neared the ground.

Taiga's group of friends watched both boys play badminton. Just then, a group of boys encircled​ the girls.

"So Taiga, going to the party?".

"Yes cretin!".

Devan pinned Taiga against the wall and kissed her. She relaxed into it, but stared towards Y/N's direction.

Taiga's thoughts
"Got off me, I don't want Y/N to see!".

Y/N gave a returning glance, he seemed a little sad. However, it soon ended when a shuttle cock hit him in the eye, blinding ​him.

"AHH you prick!".


Several boy's joined the game, all of them began getting into teams.

"Nice to meet you two".

"Sup, name's Delsin that's my boy Eugene".


Devan noticed​ Taiga gazing at Y/N, and grabbed her shoulder.

"You looking at him, dude looks off!".

"Leave her alone!".

"Whatever, see you at the party".

Devan then walked towards Y/N, he then shoved out of the way. He then continued​ to walk away.

"Anyway.... Let's keep playing".

"Don't you freaking dare hitting me in the eye Pidge!".

"It was an accident!".

Taiga wiped her lips, Bethany comforted her for the encounter. They then resumed on watching the boys playing the game.

Eugene hit the shuttle cock out of the park and towards the stands. Y/N ran towards and jumped onto the stands, returning the fire back to Eugene.

"Hey Y/N!".

"Hey Bethany".

"I forget to give you the deets of the party" .

Y/N then pulled out his phone and placed the address on his mobile map.


"You don't want to kiss Taiga?".

"I don't want kiss him, I don't want another bad taste in my mouth!".

"Yo Y/N, we playing or what!".

"Ya I'm coming".

Y/N leaped off the stands and jogged back to Delsin. With force of a wrecking ball, he returned the shuttle cock back.

"You missed your shot".

Taiga's thoughts
"No... Please don't go!".

I guess she has a boyfriend, ehh...Better to move on I guess...

I asked both Delsin and Eugene if they are going, both of them said yes. Taiga kept watching me the entire game, I found it rather wierd. I returned a glare towards her, she let out a small smile, so did I.

I was then hit in the eye with a shuttle cock again.



A light in her darkness (Male Reader X Taiga Masaki)Where stories live. Discover now