First day (Pt 1)

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Just before we start the story I really hope you read the description, if you haven't then I suggest you do so now because if you don't you might be a little confused. Anywho I really hope you like my story it's my first one... Anyways let's get on with the story

(Y/N) POV)

I'm 18 years old, I've graduated high school and now I'm moving out of my mom's house. It's a big adjustment yeah I know. Moving into an apartment, it isn't as "luxurious" as my mom's house.. it's still better than living in a box. The place we're I'd be living was called Villa rosa sasazuka I think... The Land Ladys name was Miki Shiba. Ms.Shiba. The large woman who sent chills down my spine for some odd reason.

The moving truck arrived and my mom helped me place my boxes a clothes, Manga's, Videos games and Everything else I owned. I could see how upset my mom was, I was her only child and now she had to say goodbye to me. "It's not like I'm leaving forever" (Y/n) said to your mom giving her a reassuring smile. Your mom couldn't help herself she pulled you into a warm embrace. And you can't help but start to cry.

(Few hour time skip)
After (Y/n) got to her new apartment, she began unloading the moving truck with the help of some hired men. It took about 2 hours, plus you almost slipped on the stairs countless times. But by the time you were done you were too exhausted to say hello to your neighbors. luckily Ms.Shiba had already told you their names. "Sadao Maou, The one the loves his job a little too much.. at least that's how Ms.Shiba describes it. Shirō Ashiya, the housewife according to her. And lastly for that apartment, Hanzo Urushihara. The guy who never gets off the computer.. and then for the next apartment, Suzuno Kamazuki.Ms.Shiba said she's a little weird. I guess I'll find out if she was right about them tomorrow. But for now I'm going to rest up"(Y/n) Said to herself before laying in her little bed, quickly drifting off to sleep

All throughout the night you kept tossing and turning, but this wasnt abnormal for you. You had dreams of demons from another world who spoke a different language. The dreams of be so vivid. Vivid enough until the point you woke up in cold sweats wondering if you were on Earth. "What time is it" you said sounding groggy as you checked the time on your (F/c) phone. The time read 7:30, which gave you about an hour to get ready for work. You worked at SFC, yes the one across from MgRonald's

You went into your bathroom, looking into the mirror and laughing at how your (H/l), (H/c) looked like a bird's nest. You begin to undress from your pajamas and hop in the shower. Making sure the water was hot to wake you up. You couldn't stop thinking about your dream but the more you thought about it the less you remembered.

After a 20 minute shower, you got out and begin drying yourself "today after work, I'll greet the neighbors"you said last to yourself while putting on your work uniform

I'm going to cut it off here & make it two parts. Sorry your character didn't get to meet the guys or Emi but I kind of wanted to introduce her first.

I hope you liked it and please comment. Your comments are what's going to help me improve

-Pakia Blue-

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