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It's been about a month since I moved in. You had started coming over to The boys house every other day. They didnt seem to mind for the fact you did help them clean and cook. Urishihara hardly paid Me any mind. Ashiya sometimes forced him to interact with me

"JUST TALK TO HER URISHIHARA"Ashiya yelled, like a mother forcing her son to make friends. You sat there shyly, obviously embarresed "he doesn--"(Y/n) said before getting cut off  "I DONT WANT TO! I DONT CARE ABOUT HER, SHE CAN GET HIT BY A CAR FOR ALL I CARE "urishiha yelled forgetting that (Y/n) was sitting in the room. You were hurt. You got up and walked out feeling a pit in your stomach. You could hear  Ashiya and Urishihara fighting, Ashiya yelling at Urishi to go check up on you, And urishi Yelling back "no" (Y/n) started crying. You didnt know why you were crying, you didn't know them that long so it should matter..right? You thought to yourself and went to your apartment. You took of your clothes, putting on your long shirt. You wanted to call your mother and cry to her but instead you cried alone in your pillow, you didnt want her forcing you to come back home. You wanted to show her that you can handle your self.

(20 minutes later)
There was a knock at the door, you didnt want to get up. But the knock got louder and louder. You got out of your bed now annoyed. You open the door to see urishihara for once he didn't have a Game Boy in his hand, keep staring down at the ground refusing to look up at you " look I'm sorry if I've upset you" Urishi said slowly looking up at you, seeing that your face was red from crying "it's fin--" you try to say before getting cut off by Urishihara grabbing your cheeks with his cold hands, examining your facial features this made you blush lightly before you pushed him away "DONT TOUCH ME" You yelled "stupid cry baby" he mumbled "You seem fine so im going back home" he finished up before walking back to his apartment door.. something didn't feel right to you you felt as if there was something he wasn't telling you.. you KNEW there was something he wasn't telling you but you weren't going to push him you didn't want to get on his bad side even though he seemed like just some stupid 18 year old boy who constantly is on the laptop and plays Game Boy all day there was more to him, something scary you couldn't explain it.

You shut the door quickly and went back to your bed trying not to cry you were too exhausted to keep crying. You had work in the morning so you decided to just go to bed. But the more you try to sleep the more your mind wandered into a place it shouldn't have, started thinking about your father, the father you always thought abanded you when you were born.. your mother never told you anything about him, every time you brought him up your mom just looked hurt so you just stop bringing him up.... you thought about the possibility of him being alive. him having a different family, you shook off the thought.. but then all of a sudden you started thinking Urishihara and all the small details about him. Like the way he smiles when he beats a level of  Frogger. You couldn't stop thinking about his soft purple hair, God the way he flips his purple hair when it's in his eyes... don't even get me started on those purple eyes. You begin to realize what you were thinking your cheeks turning bright red your heart was pounding you quickly shook your head and try to forget about the  thoughts ---
the man who wouldn't care if you died tomorrow, that kept racing in your mind the sentence 'the man who wouldn't care if you died tomorrow'
the man who wouldn't care if you died tomorrow

the man who wouldn't care if you died tomorrow

the man wouldn't care if you died tomorrow
those words just kept playing in your mind like a broken record and before you knew it you begin crying again you cried yourself to sleep
'why couldn't he just care about at least as a friend' that was your last thought you had before drifting into slumber

hey guys this is my
first chapter in awhile I really hope you guys like it I've had fun making this chapter and you guys have been supporting me a lot and been very patient with me thank you again from the bottom of my heart

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