I meet a young doctor

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          I as the author of this story, do not relinquish any of my rights to reprint or publish this in any form(or entirety) by anyone else than myself. All copyrights enforced by law! CAW.                                                          

                                                                       April 16, 17--

  Dear diary,
     The most extraordinary thing happened while mother and I were taking a carriage ride through the park today!  I think I met my future husband! He is so handsome and so kind. Imagine, he apologized to us when it was our carriage that almost ran him down!
      Mother had a fit of the vapors and fainted when the carriage lurched to a sudden halt. Father had his hands full trying to revive her. What a scene,
Fainting woman, concerned husband, mad driver and young man dusting his clothing off as he  stood back up. It was all so comical, it was all I could do - I  giggled behind my fan. I couldn't let them see that I thought it was hilarious. A comedy of errors, driver going to fast and young gentleman's  eyes buried in a book.
    Father and the driver both were yelling at the young man, accusing him of being blind or stupid or both. Poor fellow, he apologized profusely and abjectly stated that it was all his fault!
    Poor mother had recovered from the vapors by this time and began berating him for almost causing his own death. He looked so embarrassed at this that he apologized again and again. He looked so sad and forlorn, standing besides our carriage and being yelled at by everyone but me.
      When he finally realized that I wasn't saying anything, he looks up and I am captured by two of the greenest emerald eye's I've ever seen! I was mesmerized.  I gave him the tiniest of smiles and he returned it with one of his own.  I'm blushing outrageously and girlishly look away, this is not proper behavior for a young lady my mother would admonish me if she saw it!
       From behind my fan, I slyly glance his way  again but he is gone! Where did he go? Who was he? I have to find out!!!
                                                                       April 23,17--Dear Dairy,

    It's been a week since I last wrote, but what a week its been! Dress fittings, invites to balls, calling on society matrons and finding out about him!!
    Mother's beyond being in seventh heaven, I have been invited to at least seven balls and the social season has just begun. We have gone calling everyday this past week and have been home for calling three days. 

    The seamstress and her assistant have been working around the clock to get my new ball gowns ready. I've suffered through being measured, poked  and pinned, twisted and turned, hair up and down til I'm sore from my head to my toes.  But I will be the belle of the ball if all goes as planned!
    But enough trivialities, I know his name!!! I had Jared , father's valet, find out for me. I can't believe it took only a week, it seems like longer.
   He is Victor Frankenstein, third year medical student and fledgling scientist.  Jared( father's valet) told me that he is so intent on his  studies that he is rather hard to follow, being that when he is not in class he is in the lab or his flat. That seems quite boring!  I don't see myself  squirrelled away like that.

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