The Price of Success

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                                                                   April 29, 17-- Dear Diary,
    We've done it! Last night was a great success! My dress was perfect, my shoes felt like I was dancing on clouds and my hair was like a waterfall flowing down my back!
       My dance card was so full that I think it was the first to be completely filled out. My curtseying was flawless, small talk sublime, and my fan eye lash flirting almost scandalous,  but not quite!
        The "Belle of the Ball" that's what mother and father both said and agreed upon.  Mother was most pleased with how the night went, she is certain I am to be the debutante of the season a feather in her cap when my younger sister's are presented into society. We shall see how everything goes, shall we?
         I do hope that we won't have to go through anything like the last couple of days again. It was exhilarating and exhausting at the same time. We were so busy that I didn't have any time to inquirer about the whereabouts of young Mr. Frankenstein. I wonder what he's been up to.

                                                                         May 2,17--Dear Diary,
   The heat of the last few days has been oppressive, I feel like a flower without enough water. Wilting in the sunlight, wishing for a little rain.
  The Grafton's ball has been cancelled for this evening, Mrs. Grafton's gout has flared up( we're not supposed to know this, but servants will gossip), and she's under the weather so won't be able to attend her own ball. Sans the cancellation, no one ever misses their own ball it's not heard of in high society circles.
The reprieve couldn't have come at a better time, a quiet evening going over all the information Jared and the other's have given me is just what I need to learn more about this intriguing young gentleman

                                                                         May 4,17---

  Dear Diary,
     He's gone! It's been  reported that he was seen boarding a ship with a small chest but no suitcases.
     Is he taking a short trip somewhere, is he going home, or is something making him flee? I don't know what has happened but I'm sure gonna find out!

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