a chance encounter

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May 27,17--

Dear diary,
We have been trying to find out more about him, it's not that easy. Not much is known.
Why is this turning out to be so hard? It's like the fates are working against me. I just want to meet him, and get to know him better.
Why am I so interested in him? What is it about him that Intrigue's me so? I don't really know, but am dying to find out!
You wouldn't believe what happened today, Laura ( one of my closest and dearest friends), and I went hat shopping. She just had to have a new hat to go riding in the park with on of her new beaus and couldn't go without me.
While we were looking into storefront Windows trying to decide which store to go to, he( young Mr. Frankenstein) bumped into me on the sidewalk. I couldn't believe it, I have been trying to meet him and he almost walked into my arms.
My heart started racing and my palms were sweaty. I was blushing from my head to my toes, my mind could not comprehend what my eyes and ears were telling it. It's him and his voice is as pleasant as the first time I heard it! I feel as if I'm floating on a cloud, tie a rope to my ankle and bring me back down to earth.
He apologized profusely and held out his hand to help me up. I took it and once back on my feet, had to wipe off and adjust my dress, luckily it hadn't rained in a few days so I wasn't all muddy . Just a little dusty.
He introduced himself and inquired the same of me and Laura. We reciprocated, he bowed and we curtsied. He asked what we were doing and we told him window shopping and getting ready to go to lunch. He offered both of us an arm and requested we accompany him to lunch in recompense for being so clumsy and knocking me down.
We walked down the sidewalk to an outdoor cafe where young Mr. Frankenstein was a true gentleman and held our seats for us. He also waited til we were settled before sitting down himself. (He's so gallant.)
That's when everything started going wrong.
I'm sorry I have to stop writing for now, the candle has burnt so low that it's making it to hard to write

May 28,17--.

Dear diary,
Did I mention that everything went wrong at luncheon? Well it did!
Laura was such a chatterbox. She never shut up from the time we sat down til it was time to leave. Poor Mr. Frankenstein must think we are silly, immature, giggling young girls. The things she talked about were so trivial and boorish. I'm sure our young gentleman doesn't need anymore descriptions of how many times one should flick their fan and flutter their eyelashes to flirt! As if he really needed to know this.
As if that wasn't bad enough, I couldn't talk without blushing and knocking over everything I reached for. My water glass shattered when I bumped it reaching for a slice of lemon to put in it. The basket of bread ended up on the floor when I jumped back from the table to keep from getting wet.
After the waiter cleared our table and brought us new utensils, we sat back down but I was so embarrassed couldn't say much and had to keep my hands in my lap for fear of destroying anything else. I just wanted lunch to be over. He couldn't have enjoyed it. One girl that wouldn't shut up and the other that wrecked the table. What a fun time.
I would be surprised if I ever saw him again.

It was the slowest and most horrific  non - date
that I've ever been on.   I couldn't imagine anyone dying of mortification but if it had been possible for the sidewalk to open up and swallow me whole I wouldn't have minded one bit!

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