Finding out Answers.

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May 20,17--

Dear Diary,
I have been so desolate, no leads , no information
Nothing to go on. It's like he has disappeared from the surface of the Earth!
My heart and mind are at war with each other. My mind keeps telling me you only met him once and not even formally, but my heart is slowly breaking itself into little pieces. I've fallen so in love
With his eyes, his smile and his voice. I want to fall in love with the man himself.
What am I going to do? This keeps up I won't be able to hide it from my parents. I've kept up a facade for weeks. Faking enthusiasm for the tea's, the dinners and the balls. I haven't been able to eat much and when I do eat my stomach becomes so upset., but a lady doesn't mention these things

May 24,17--

Dear diary,
Good news! He's returned, he was seen disembarking from a ship early this morning. My heart is singing with the news, I can hardly contain the excitement I am feeling!
I had almost given up , my heart was so broken. I had resigned myself to go through life not knowing true love. No longer, I must do everything I can to meet him and make him mine!!!

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