Emmet Cullen

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1- Wake Bella up in the middle of the night saying that Edward has gone to provoke the volturi and will be sentenced to death.

2- cross dress

3- pretend to be shakira, dance like shakira, or sing Shakira

4- donate all of Alice's clothes to the hobo down the road

5- drink squirrel blood. it does things to him...

6- tell mike newton that vampires eat butterflies and poop out bunnies

7- tell religious old ladies that Jesus is gay

8- pass notes to the toilet cubicle next to him saying 'we need to go, there on to us!'

9- proclaim his love to mike newton and then propose to him and when he says no ry and throw tantrums until he says yes

10- do the same to charlie

11- dye his hair pink.

12- hide behind some shelves in a toy store, and when a little kid comes past, scream 'CHOOSE ME! CHOOSE ME!'

13- randomly shout out in waltmart "DONT LOOK AT ME IM NAKED" and the people do look scream "PERRRRVES!"

14- hide in Bellas closet, and when she opens it, scream "WELCOME TO NARNIA"

15-make out with eddie but then blame it on jasper

16-call up demitri and tell him to track his own butt.

17- call up Caius and tell him he looks like he's a constipated albino just because he does.

18- give bella 'the talk'

19- tell Alice her dresses are 'frumpy'

20- put bella up for adoption

21- call edward 'eddie' 'eddie boy' eddie poop' etc

22- dress up as the easter bunny and scream at random old ladies about how its ok to be special

Things that the twilight character are not allowed to doWhere stories live. Discover now