Bella Swan

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1- tell Emmet that drinking tomato juice gives you bigger muscles

2- jump off cliffs for 'fun'

3- tell Edward if he doesn't change her she'll destroy his volvo.

4- tell Rosalie that Edward has a thing for her but she doesn't mind because she always preferred emmet

5- then when emmet gets back from hunting make out with him but blame it on Jasper

6- walk out of closets with Emmet smirking with all of their clothed ripped and their hair mussed

7- tell edward she's pregnant and that Emmet is the father

8- hang out with Emmet all together

9- ask edward to turn her pet goldfish into a vampire

10- when he refuses ask Carlisle

11- when Carlisle tells her that animals can not be changed start to cry and throw a tantrum

12- when he ignores her try and seduce him into doing it

13- when he refuses tell Esme she has good taste and Carlisle is really good in the bedroom

14- when sleeping round at the Cullen's house pretend to be having a sex dream with Carlisle

15- confess her undying love on the phone to Mike Newton while sitting on Edwards lap

16- tell Edward that she is dying of a rare disease and won't last for more than a week in hopes that he'll change her

17- tell everyone that she had sex with all of the Cullen's... then have Emmet back it up.

18- destroy Edwards piano and then blame it on Alice, just because she can.

19- tell Jasper she needs to tell him something very important, then start to talk about all the difficulties of being a women.

20- tell Edward that she's pregnant with Jacob's baby just to see if vampires can have a heart attack.... then laugh when e believes her.

21- give Alice D-cup bra's for christmas because she's like, a B-cup.

22- give Emmet a pet bunny for christmas

23- then give away the bunny to see if vampires can really cry

24- steal him another bunny to make up for it

25- tell Edward she loved Carlisle long before she had feelings for him

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2017 ⏰

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