Chapter 1

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Mia's POV

I sit, doubled over in pain in Geography right now. My stomach is screaming out in pain, and I can almost feel my uterus tearing itself apart. Life is not good. I give in, finally unable to deal with any more of this torture, both the lesson and my internal pain. I raise my hand uncomfortably in my seat, and after a while, the teacher comes bustling over.

'Yes, Mia?' she questions me uncertainly, I have no signs of obvious work to hand

'umm..' I begin, unsure how to explain my troubles, 'Miss, is there any way I could be excused to go and see the nurse?' I ask her, yet the troubled look does not leave her face. I conquer onwards, 'I have umm.. stomach ache' I raised my eyebrows as I speak the last two words, and seem to convey the message. She gives me a small nod,

'Oh of course you can, Mia!' she exclaims, ' I hope you feel better soon!' she smiles as I bustle out of the classroom, stuffing my water bottle in my bag as I go.

I soon find myself outside the nurses office, and knock tentatively on the door. An elderly woman with a wide smile opens the door, and gives me a compassionate look as she guides me to a seat.

'and what seems to be the problem today, m'dear?' she questions. I gesture towards my stomach and explain briefly my troubles. She opens her mouth to respond to my symptoms, but not before another, louder knock on the door reverberates around the room. The nurse totters across the room, and opens the door up, gasping in the process,

'Oh dear, boy! What have you done!' I hear a low chuckle escape the throat of whoever is holding me up going home and relaxing. The gap in the doorway widens and a tall boy stoops through and turns towards the chairs at which I am stationed. I, too, let out a small gasp as I take in his face, but I'm sure not for the same reasons as myself. With an additional flutter in my stomach, I take in the features of this older boy, one whom I already know of.

Ethan Dolan. Ethan-freaking-Dolan. Ethan Dolan with his perfect jawline. Ethan Dolan with his mesmerizing dark eyes. Ethan Dolan with his luscious lips. Ethan Dolan who I've fancied since FOREVER.

Ethan Dolan who, today, is sporting a large gash underneath his eye, and a bleeding, swollen lip. Ethan Dolan who still looks perfect.

He makes his way over to the seating area, his perfect stride complimenting his perfect face and takes the seat opposite me. His presence makes me blush. The nurse hurries out of the room and mumbles something about 'calling Mia's mum' and leaves us alone. Just a quick fun fact - I'm an incredibly awkward person :)

As soon as the door shuts behind the nurse, Ethan coughs and I look up at him, only to see him looking at me.

'So, what you in here for?' he asks me suddenly, with the sort of confidence I wish I had

'Stomach ache' I answer uncertainly, feeling out of my depth within this conversation, but I decide to soldier through, 'what about you? How'd you get... that?' I ask, glancing up at his bleeding lip

'Long story short, P.E.' he chuckles to himself, and I join in, raising a questioning eyebrow, 'being the highly intellectual young man I am, I apparently decided that it would be a good idea to play football with my face' he laughs and I genuinely join in this time, overwhelmed by the way he has with words.

The door to the nurses office creaks open once again, and the elderly figure totters in, gesturing for me to follow her, and announcing the arrival of my mother. I grab my stomach as I bend down for my bag, but Ethan beats me to it, grabbing overly heavy bag with ease, and allowing me a moment before placing it into my hands.

'Thanks' I whisper, composing myself once more

'Anytime' Ethan Dolan smiles at me , 'I hope you get better soon ....' he trails off, awaiting my name. I jump in,

'Mia' I smile

'Mia? That's pretty' Ethan smiles and my heart rate increases, 'well I hope you get better soon Mia. I'm Ethan by the way' he walks with me to the door

'oh I know! I hope your face feels better, Ethan' I smile graciously as I close the door behind me and just about hear his mumble of 'cheers'.

I find my mother waiting in reception and follow her lazily to the car, my stomach pain increasing, still with the additional butterflies at the thought of my conversation with ETHAN DOLAN....

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