Chapter 2

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As soon as I get home, I make my way upstairs and flop on my bed. After a few moments, the pains return and I decide that, in order to encourage them to leave, I better make myself comfortable. I change out of my black jeans and white top and instead throw on a pair of grey jogging bottoms and an oversized jumper. I pull my loose hair up into a messy bun and trudge downstairs, clutching my stomach at every jump.

I make myself a cup of hot chocolate and grab a tub of cookie dough ice cream - my favorite comfort food! My mum supplies me with a large bar of oreo chocolate and a warm embrace.

'Are you sure you'll be okay on your own if I head back to work for a couple of hours?' she questions again, a tone of worry in her voice.

I nod in reassurance and gesture blindly towards my bedroom through the ceiling 'I'll be in bed!' I reiterate, already feeling my duvet calling me.

Finally, my mother reluctantly agrees to leave me and I stumble back upstairs to bed.

I scroll through Instagram for a while, drinking my hot chocolate to soothe my stomach, and my curiosity gets the better of me.

Into the search bar, I type 'Ethan Dol-' and instantly, his profile appears, suggested by the hundreds of pupils at my school in awe of him.

I click the follow button and then make my way to snapchat, however, almost instantly I'm drawn back to Instagram. A notification flashes across the top of my phone screen.

' @ethandolan (Ethan Dolan) has requested to follow you'

My heart stops flat out in my chest and I nearly choke on my drink. Spluttering, I take to Instagram and accept the request, grinning from ear to ear.

Fatigue makes me eyelids heavy and with a warm stomach, I lean over to my bed-side table to set my phone down, when a snapchat notification lights the screen up. I open the app and yet again, feel butterflies in my stomach as I process the new alert:

'Ethan Dolan added you as a friend!'

Without a sparing thought, I add him back and finally, sleep overcomes me and I roll over into a comfort of warm dreams...


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