Chapter 6

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Chandlers POV;

  My hands trembled as I walked down the newly paved street, that eventually lead to Emmas house. Adrenaline rushed through my viens faster then race cars. Without even telling myself to, I was preparing myself for  every possible outcome. Emma's large house came into my veiw, and my heart rate speed up faster than what I could range. I stopped in front of the long driveway, and took a few deep breaths to calm my over active nerves. Now, I was ready. Their dark stained wooden door stood before me, and I looked to my right to find the door bell. My fingers hit the tiny button twice before her mom creaked open the rather big door.

  "Oh, hello, Chandler." her tears stained mother said in shock.

  "I came for Emmas cloths." I replied in monotone.

  "I understand," her mom sighed before adding, "you know where her room is." Then she moved, pulling the door more open with her. I inky nodded.

  "My fingers found their way to her door knobe, and forced the white door to open. Once inside, I shut the door behind me, and looked around the room. It was perfectly clean; her mom must've cleaned it, because Emma isnt the type of girl where her room is always perfect. I took a seat on her bed, and sighed; letting all of the memories come back to me. This is where I first saw the imperfection that is perminalty sprawled across her body. Where I first saw her cry and suffer, where I first comforted her. The first time I held her in my arms, the first time we kissed. So many memories in one tiny room.

  "My mind snapped back my mission. I went over to her closet, and searched for the hot pink bag Once I had it, I pulled it open to see the small stack of 100 dollars at the bottom. Emma will probibly want to get out of the cloths that the girls are bring her when we're at the airport, I should probibly pack her some. I thought. My fingers drifted across her dark clothing, they found the black v-neck that Emma wore on our first date. Then, I grabbed her light blue skinny jeans, with her denim jacket that had, what seemed to be, a light grey hood from a sweatshirt attached to it. I finally grabbed her black high tops, and stuffed them into the bag.

  Before I knew it, I was down stairs. Her mom and Tony must've heared me, because they were at the bottom waiting for me.

  "Riggs, would you like something to eat ir drink?" Tony asked me kindly.

  "No." I said firmly, nit really in the mood to talk. They both nodded their head sorrowfully. I headed for the door; I couldn't stand to stay in that suffocating house any more. The door creaked open, and fresh air engulfed my nose. When I was about to be free, Emmas mom stopped me.

  "Chandler, wait!" she cried

  "What?!" I replied irritated and extremely annoyed.

  "Please, just until she goes to her new home, just love her and keep her safe." I looked over my shoulder. and peered at the blonde woman.

  "Well," I sigh," if you would've been a good mother and did tbose things, maybe she wouldn't have to go to the asylum." I snapped angerily, letting all the words sting them like venom. I slammed the door, and sprinted down the street; letting my feet go the fastest way to where Emma is.

  Still carrying me, my feet lead me into Emmas room. She sat there, curled up, reading a book shes read a thousand times. Allegiant, it was her favorite book. She closes the book, knowing that I'm in her presence.

  "Did you get it?" she asked, a nervous expression contorting her precious face.

  "I got it."


Hey lovelies! so wat did yall think of this chapter!!!! Fun news; I just got yelled at for acting like a complete lunatic!!!! Ashton youll no what im talking about!;) QOTD: who is your guyss favorite character? mine is either Emma cuz she me... duh..... or Chandler for obvious reasons. Well I have to go cause more mischeif!!!!


Emma Ann<3

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