Chapter 24

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Emma's POV:

        Sweat and tears roll down my face as I wake up from a nightmare that will most likely be reacurring. I looked at thee clock and saw that it was only 3:00 AM. A mess of teal blue hair covers most of my chest, since it seems like Chandler has shifted there. His grasp was tight around my waist but I didn't mind; it was actually quite comforting. As I kay here, i begin to play with Chandlers hair and think while I stare up at our cycling cealing fan. 

        The images of what has happened over this past week will be forever imprinted in my brain. The only way I could think of getting rid of them was to try to forget. I know that it will take awhile for the memories to be completely blocked form my brain, but it's worth a shot. Maybe someday. I think to myself.

        Chandler shifts from laying on his stomache, back to the position we fell asleep in (with his arm draped protectivly over my tiny waist, and me snuggled into his chest. Even though he is taller than me when we stand, our faces almost touch when we sleep..My hands begin to trace the tattoo on his chest once again, and my eyes stare at his black metal lip ring. I begin why he changed, but I guess it doesn't matter, I love him either way. I was suprised by my own actions when I reach up and touch the cold materrial that is now attached to his lip. Then, I feel guilty, when he groans, and his eyelids slowly open. 

        "What's worng babe?" he asks in hisi sleepy voice that just drives me completely insane, and  I couldnt believe i could actually hear it again.

        I give a small smile, and whisper, "Sorry to wake you, I didn't mean to."

        "It's okay, bt seriously, what's wrong?'

        "I just had a nightmare, it's nothing to worry about."

        "About Tom?"

        "Yeah, but it's fine, I'm fine."

        "Are you sure?"

        "Yeah, go back to sleep I'll be okay."

        "No, I'm gonna stay up till you can fall asleep, just to make sure you're alright."

        "Chandler, you don't ha-"

        He cuts me off, "I know, I know, but I want to. I just want to make sure you feel safe. I want you to know that I can and will protect you." he syas. I smile and give a small nodd.  We look into eachtothers eeyes for what seems like forever, beforre we start to ttalk about random things. I didn't fully realize how much I missed him. I couldn't thinking about how thankful I was for him, and about how much i loved him, and that I don't wanna be with any one else. We evetually did fall sleep, and I felt safe in his arms.


        I found the bed empty once I wake up again. My heart begins to race as flashes race through my mind.  I continue trying to take deep breaths. I focus on things in the room, trying to calm myself  down. When my breathing is finally undercontrol, I begin to hear soft vioces from down stairs. No one was around, but I wanted to go down stairs,  I have to try to stand, I thought to myself. My back ached and I was not looking forward to trying to stand by myself. My hands move the covers off of me, and I take a deep breath. 1, 2, 3! I push myself up once my feet hit the floor. I wobble a little bit, and nearly feel, but I caught myself. My fingers toucht the cool metal, and I pull the door open. With my legs still unsteady,i carry myself towards the stair case. 

        Once down the stairs, safely, I make the way to the kitchen. Max, Ashton, and Kendall where in there making coffee and breakfast.  "Hi." I sheepishly say. They all turn to me and smile.

        "Hey Ems." Ashton says. My legs start to hurt, so I go and I sit on a stool that is connected to the island. 

        "So, you can walk now." Max obviously states.

        "No shit sherlock!" Kendall teases, and I begin to laugh. Kendall laughs and so does Max and Ashton. "What do you want for breakfast." Kendall asks once the laughter has finished. I didn't really care, so I just shrugged my shoulders. 

        "Here." Ashton says, handing me a warm cup of coffee, douced with creamer; she knows me so well. I take a sip, and smile at the warm delicious taste that explodes in my mouth. I love how the peperrmant creamer (with sugar) blends perfectly with the dark coffee. My shoulders slump as I remove my mouth for the cup. 

        "Thats good." I mumble. "Where's Chandler?' I asks seconds later.

        "He said that he was going on a run." Max said. "I think thats him now." hee siad just as the front door opened.

         "Oh really captian obvious?!" Kendall smirks, and Ashton gives her a playful glare. I laugh, and shake my head at the two.

        "EMMA?! EMMA?!" Chandler yells from the top of the stairs. "WHERE ARE YOU?!" He yells once more.

         "I'm down here!" I reply. I see him run into the kitchen at full speed, he crashes into me and smashes his lips into mine.  I smile and pull away. "Where you worried?' I ask with a playful smirk.

        "Uhhh, YES! I thought you might've been taken again!" He says still worried.

        "Chandler, that's not gonna happen, not as long as you are by my side." He smiles and hugs me tight. I look around and see Kendall, Ashton, and Max staring at us in awe

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