Chapter 13

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Emmas POV;

  The house was silent except for the muffled noises of the tvs that lurk inside the walls. I was watching over Kendall who woke up from a nightmare a few minutes ago. I was up getting a drink of water when I heard whimpers coming from her door. I am sitting next to her, I promised I would stay till she fell asleep. My eyes wondered to her freshly painted walls. The tiniest wall was just a massive chalk-board, the others are painted orange and a dark pink. Her bed spread matches her walls. I look at her nightstand, I see two photo frames. One was a picture of her family, the other was of her Chandler Ashton and I. I smiled at the happy memory, thinking back to the retro ice cream shop. My gaze fell upon a fast asleep Kendall. I tiptoe out of her room, and head to mine.

  Chandler lays there, flipping mindlessly through channels, his eyes met mine, and he mointions me to come toward.him. I oblige, and crawl into the heated covers, letting our body heat radiate off of eachtoher.

  "I like it when u wear my shirts." he speaks softly. We have this habbit of me wearing the shirts he wore that day to bed.

  "I like it too."

  "We have to go to school on Monday."

  "I thought we were going to wait a week."

  "Me too, but Daniel said that the latest we were allowed to join is Monday."


  "Are you nervous?"

  "A little."


  "What if its like my old school?" he says and kisses me.

  "Don't worry, I will be there with you." We lay there a few moments longer then he finally spoke up, "We should head to bed, we have alot of unpacking to do tomarrow."

  "Oh yeah, I forgot tommarow was Sunday."

  "I almost did to."

  "Good night Chandler."

  "Good night beautiful." the last thing I felt was him pulling me into his strong grip.



  4:36 was the time my mind awakened. I lay there, thinking about the past present and the feauture. My fingers play with Chandlers long hair. I thought for a longer, letting my mind think about a million different things than one. My eyes looked to the clock. 5:45. Might as well just get up now. I wiggled out of Chandlers grip, and head to the bathroom.

  Once my face is washed, I stroll over to my closet and pick out simple jeans with a black tank top with a larger dark blue plaid button up to match my blue vans. I take my hair out of its braid and straighten my hair. When I was putting on my masscara, I notice Chandler leaning on the door way, almost glaring at me.

  "What?" I ask.

  "Why do you put that on your face?"

  "To make me look decent."

  He spins me around to face him, then says, "You dont need that shit, your beautiful just as you are." I smile shyly be fore he kisses me gently.

  The day was spent unpacking and watching TV, and before you knew it, it was time to go to bed.


  "Wake up princesses, its time to go to school." I groan at Chandlers attempt to wake me up.

  "Fine." I get up and do my usual routine. Todays outfit is a white T-shirt, skinny jeans. and my white hightops. When I get down stairs, I see Daniel and his friends, along with Chandler Ashton and Kendall. Ashton ans Max are having their own conversation. I'm not to sure how I feel about Max. I mean when I've talked to him, he seems to be nice, but hia apperance is dark and dangerous. He look mysterious with his brown hair up in a small quiff, his lip peircinf, and a small tatto that can barely be seen underneath his black T-shirt.

  "Hey babe." Chandler says slinging his.arm shoulder. I kiss him in response. I spent breakfast, and tbe journey to school learning about Daniel, Steven, Jack, Ryan, and Ben. Jack and I aee going to be really close; he already acting like a brother to me. The boys dropped the four od us off at the front office. A plump old lady hands our schedules to us, along with our text books.





Creative Writing




  That was my schedule. I had no.classes with anybody. Chandler and.Is lockers are.right next to eachother, so that was a plus, I guess. We drop.Kendall and Ashton off at their first class, and approach mine.

  "Will you be alright?" Chandler asks when we.reach the door.

  "Yeah, me here at passing period?"

  "Of course. I love you to the moon and back."

  "I love you to infinity and beyond."

We hug and kiss before he leaves me. I walk into my new class. My throat is dry as I stare at all the kids. I can't let these people in, they could hurt me; even the teachers.

  "Hello, you must be Emma, Im Mr. Groody." the teacher says in a British accent. I shoot him a sharp glare, telling him to leave me alone. I ignore the eyes peering at me, and head for my seat in the back row.

  English goes by without any complications. I find Chandler coming towards me, talking to a blonde girl. A pang of jealousy hits my stomach.

  "Hey gorgeous." he kisses me on the cheek, and.I smile at him happily.

  "Oh so this is your girlfriend? Chandler you could do so much better." The skank says while flirtatiously laying a hand on Chandlers shoulder.

  "Who the hell are you?" I ask.

  "Im Taylor, the one he should be going out with. Who the hell are you?"

  "Im Emma, his girlfriend."

  "Well he should have someone who doesnt bring a razor to their wrist." How the fuck does about that. I look at my arm to see me.scars are obvious to everyone.

  "Well at least I'm not a skank like you!"

  "Taylor, I think its best if you leave." Chandler.butts in. Taylor walks away, and I scoff. "Emma, you shouldnt have called that ."

  "Oh, so your defending her after what she said to me!?"

  "No, but.still, what yoh said was out of.line."

  "Forget it." I walk off to my next class. The next two class periods I sat in agony, because I wanted to apologize to Chandler. The lunch bell finally rang, and I bolted out the door. The only two people that are in the cafeteria are a boy in a girl sucking eachothers faces off. I take a step closer to realize that it was Taylor and.... Chandler.

  When I said he would never hurt me... I was wrong.


BRACE YOURSELF!!! the next couple kf my chapters are gonna be tough.... QOTD: what do you think will by happen? Bye lovelies!!!


Emma Ann

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