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It was the best day today, it's our anniversary. Just you and I together and i've planned all of this wonderful things for us. And as I went to your house, and opened your room. I quickly sat beside you, looking at your beautiful white. You're my angel Gee... and as i kissed your cheek, i felt something's wrong. I shook you awake but you never open your eyes. Thug! I saw a bottle.. I read its name.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

I was shaking like a leaf as my tears formed and poured through and through.


How could you do this to me!?--

I carried your beautiful face onto my lap.

Sobbing, shouting your name over and over until my throat began to weaken its way. But i never stop even though my mind told me to stop. Even though how many times i scream your name, you won't come back. Then I stop, i stop enough to say..

I love you Gerard, Why would you do this to me?

Then there was a letter in your hand. Crumpled..


Love, If you're reading this. I'm probably dead by now. But this.. just don't blame yourself okay? It's just life is not working with me.. Anyway, remember the day we first met? When i was about to commit suicide at the hotel's roof and then you came.. Just like a knight.. a beautiful knight And with that you changed my life. To top it all off, you became my savior. But now it's my time... I can't take it no longer... Just remember i love you with all my heart, with all my soul, you'll always be the one for me. But ... i cant leave.. i'm sorry Frankie Please don't blame yourself and carry on with life... you'll be a wonderful guitarist like you always promise to me...just.. Don't kill yourself okay?? So this is it.. Goodbye frank, goodbye my knight. Remember that i love you..always

The tears no longer hide as it escape into my guarded eyes. This isn't happening...

A sob broke free.

As i hug your lifeless body. saying i love you for millions of times

.you wont come back gee..

50 years later.

Gee, i'm staring at a beautiful sunset now. I said while i'm beside your tomb. Imagining you're here with me.. like we did in every anniversary we made during the summer. As you say all over about me being the most beautiful thing in the entire world or planet. While i would say that too but you always brush that off... and saying you're not beautiful but.. You are beautiful..

Then I sang the song you wrote to me..

That the world is ugly

But you’re beautiful to me

Are you thinking of me

Like I’m thinking of you

I would say I’m sorry, though

Though I really need to go

I just wanted you to know

I wanted you to know

I wanted you to know

I’m thinking of you every night, every day....

Then i stopped, caging my sob trying to broke free...

I think of some happy thoughts, then i said in a not-so cheerful voice

"Gee, i also have a good news, i became a good guitarist.. a popular one just as i had promised to you" i didn't know i was crying until i felt myself sobbing and shaking. "Oh Gee... my angel, if only you're here! If only I--" I closed my eyes, stopping for a few seconds.. "I just miss you so much! I terribly miss you and-and i love you Gee.. I love you.."

I stood up and started to go home.

I was crossing the road until...."BEEEEEEEEEEEP" a very bright light blinded me like the sun. Then a loud crash came, i can't feel nor see anything. Until i heard a siren of ah... an Ambulance? Yes it is an ambulance..

Then i came into my senses, so many noises coming from here and there... I tried to open my eyes only to see a white ceiling. Everything seemed to ache, then i see your face, all beautiful and cute like the first day we met. You're smiling then you spoke, "Let's go Frank" I grasped your hand as we smile at each other. "I love you Frank" you said as the tears broke free..My love is back. i can rest now..."I love you too Gerard, Happy Anniversary"

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