** back to normal?? **

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Lol I HATE the title so much. I'm bad at putting titles...
Lol I suck and thx for hitting so much reads..
And again, I'm not disturbing your story content..
WARNING: slight sins, but mostly fluff
▪Heart break chapter 24: ** back to normal?? **
SE1EP23 #backtonormalwattpadhastags

--- the next day for the start of pure depression for Pallete ---

** Pallete's P.O.V **

"Hurry up Pallete!!" Pj shouted from downstairs in the kitchen, waiting for Pallete to wake up, currently, they are at day 2 for teacher's guide to education, Pallete, is in great condition of Depression , it might get worst, since it is weakening his state of cheerfulness, happy self, confident emotion, an ever lasting enjoyed smile, star shaped  yes, confident and proud appearance, and a loving and caring Personality..
But now, all of that has been washed away by depression...
Replacing new state of appearance, emotion and Personality, naming one of them would be, the state of Depression,  Sad mood, non-happy self which preferably sad, nothingness but stressed emotion, an upside down smile, star shaped but crooked eyes with only showing anger, jealousy, fear, hatred.worst of all, suicidal
Slouched back, dropped arms, sad..slow walking appearance, but still loving and caring Personality, but a hurtful expression on his face, fake smile, Shaky hands, a scaredy cat..

Now..Pallete had conditions called Phobia... it sounds weird but, he looks like he had the fear of everything..

Pallete stood from the edge of his white cozy bed, he slipped on the bunny slippers underneath the bed, under the bed is dark, blocked by white warm covers, he puts them on, he starts to walk down the stairs, leaning front, dropped arms, walking slowly, holding on the fence for support, legs are aching from the cold floor. Still forgetting the moment, the memory yesterday "Pallete you looked depressed" PJ looked concerned for his 'step brother' Pallete faked Lightening up "I'm not depressed, I'm just tired is all"I gave him a small smile that Pallete actually has but was obviously fake "I'm just sayin' " PJ flipped the bacon up, to give the other side a turn, to make a crispy brown and freshly bacon sigh wish that it wasn't a good day..

PJ placed a plate of eggs and bacon on the table, in front of Palletes slouched body, Pallete sighed, he grabbed the spoon beside it and began chewing on the bacon, slowly..he didtn even care if his teeth ached from pain, all he wants to do now is eat. Or rather then that, he wanted to suffer... he still replayed the whole moment of Pallete and him are fighting in a forest, he could not forget that moment, tho, he still deserves something more than that..


If he just lost a pen, he would the cycles...

No pen= no notes
No notes= no study
No study= no grades
No grades= no diploma
No diploma= no work
No work= no money
No money= no food
No food= skinny
Skinny= ugly
Ugly= no love
No love= no marriage
No marriage= no children/kids
No children/kids= alone
Alone= depression
Depression= sickness
Sickness= DEATH....

No love was even worst, depression was better, you'll get depressed, then you'd get sick, next day after that, you'd be already facing death so there isn't going back to the real world anymore, your in the after life, feeling nothing, just watching an endless black void, walking until there's no end, seeing your faith, seeing the past that you've made, fading, hallucinations, illusion of the real world, an endless turning cloudy void, falling into the pitch black darkness, darkness everywhere, no light, no hope, no love, hatred spreading, no urge to do anything, just sitting there, Alone in the black void of nothing, or even worst HELL It's better burning in HELL
Cause there's lava, fire, raging screams of souls, souls screaming from down below, pleading to come out, the most shady place, hot, warm...You can't even love someone in HELL YOU can't help anybody, you can't see any body, all you do is just burn, burn till you die, burn again and die, screaming stop, please, anybody help me, but nobody comes to help you, there just demons all around you, making you suffer, suffer til you've become one of them, go back to the real world and haunt those innocent people around you, possessing them til their soul is yours, there's no way coming back..not even an angel from heaven can help you, to what you've done was unforgivable, no body even dares to come near you, touch you, hear you, love you, hurt you, be you, their all just ghosts, you can't heed their help, you can't help them, its just all in the food chain

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