Chapter 2~ Chisa

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Chisa stood in the mirror, tidying herself up. She sighed, her breath fogging up the mirror a little. She wiped it off quickly, grabbed her bag, and headed out. Another day....

Munakata, her high school friend who put her up to the task of being a teacher, was getting worried. He just felt like something bad would happen, and she believed him. His intuition was always correct, although she wishes he would be wrong this one time. Entering the school, she went over to the file room. Although Munakata may think this is a waste of time, Chisa tried her best to be the best teacher she could, and read her students files to try to get to know them better. Nekomaru Nidai... Nagito Komaeda... Sonia Nevermind.... These were her students. And if everything takes a turn for the worse... Chisa hopes they won't be too involved. Noticing what time it was, she rushed over to her classroom.

She slapped her cheeks, put on a smile, and entered the room. "Good morning, class! How--" her greeting was useless, it turned out. The entire room was empty. "Huh? Where is everyone?" Chisa shook her head, and went over to the principals office to see what was going on. Upon entering, she quickly realized she had chosen a bad time to enter. There was a meeting of all her higher-ups in motion. They all stared sat her, and she stared right back. "Chisa..." Jin Kirigiri started, he was the principal. "...what are you doing here? Schools closed today. I sent an email to everyone." He said all of this carefully, and Chisa wished the others in the room would share in that quality. She was receiving far too many glares for comfort. "O-oh. My internet has been down." Curse her stuttering, it made it seem like she was lying. "I'll just go now." Chisa blurted out before turning and leaving. Just before she left, Chisa heard one sentence. "So how will we use Izuru, exactly?"

While walking back to her house, she pondered that staff workers sentence. Izuru Kamukura was the founder of the school, Chisa knew that. But, he was long dead... so what did they mean by 'how will we use Izuru'. She didn't have the answer to that, but she figured she should tell Munakata. Maybe someone just has the same name as him? No... that's too coincidental. "Hey Chisa, what're you doing here?" Her friend Juzo asked. She looked up at him, " I didn't get the email." She answered simply. "Ah. Well, I'm kinda annoyed. Real nice of them to say I have to work today... although I guess it does make sense since people are here today." He stated with a roll of his eyes. Juzo was the head security guard, but he also works with Munakata, like Chisa. Chisa decided he would be a good person to console on what she learned. "Hey, do you know anyone named Izuru?" "Well, yeah. He founded the school 77 years ago right?" Juzo responded tilting his head to the right. "No, I mean recent." She elaborated. "Not really, why are you asking?" Chisa paused for a moment, then answered, "The meeting was about someone named Izuru, and if they canceled a school day because of it, it must be important." He nodded at that. "Agreed, but I guess we'll just have to look into it some more." With that, they parted ways. Chisa felt a lot better now that she had told someone else about this. Hopefully everything would work out.

Hey, I decided to go by a similar schedule as a different fanfic I'm reading and go by every 10 in a month, so here it is April 20! Sorry about the super short chapter. It was exam week and I completely forgot :// I'll try to make the next chapter longer, or as long as the first chapter. I think the first chapter was a good length but you can comment if you want it longer or shorter or whatnot. The next update will be April 30! See ya there!

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