Chapter 4: The [DE]s[MON]d Across the Room

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A drop-dead gorgeous brunette was on his arm, clinging to him like a used-up dryer sheet. Behind them walking in were a few other guys from what I assumed was the baseball team based on their attire—some like Dez, with girls on their arms, and others without. They chose to sit on the other side of the restaurant, Dez leading the way and the others following him with ease.

"It's pathetic," Reed muttered. "None of those people know they're actually praising a demon."

Everyone at our table fell silent. There was no arguing what he said. It was fascinating watching the way they moved, trailing behind Dez like a pack of devoted wolves. And the most surprising part was, he seemed to be completely oblivious of his own influence. Whenever someone in their circle spoke, the rest of the group's eyes flew to Dez to see his reaction. When someone asked a question, they looked to him for approval. It was both intriguing and slightly disturbing.

Dez must have felt my stare because as he sat down, his eyes too-immediately found mine—and he smirked. I turned around and shrank into the booth as my heart thundered. Had he known I was watching that whole time?

I looked at Reed to find his fists clenched tightly along the table, his chest moving up and down slowly, as if he were trying hard to control his breath. His gaze was vacant, only absently focused on his plate—and my stomach sank for him. I couldn't imagine being the one to witness what he did. And how he must have felt, not being able to help Jeremy in that situation . . . it was clear that the guilt was eating at him.

Olivia turned to him and pointed to the corner of her mouth. "Reed, you've got something right here."

He furrowed his brows and wiped at his perfectly clean cheek. "Did I get it?"

"No. Here, let me get it for you." She reached over to help him—only to slap a spoonful of guacamole on his cheek.

Reed's eyes widened in disbelief. "Olivia Taylor Lansing, you did not—" He wiped at his cheek and studied the green mess on his fingers. "Just waste precious guacamole!"

Olivia laughed.

That was, until she saw the devious smile forming on Reed's lips.

"You know what? Come here and give me a hug, cutie. I just missed you so much today." He threw his arm around her and pressed her into his side, his cheek grazing hers before she could get away.

Olivia squealed as the guac smeared across her cheek, causing Alyssa—who'd been taking a sip of her drink—to spit it out across her own lap. All of us erupted in laughter, and when I looked back at Reed, gone was the guilt that had haunted him only moments ago. Instead, his face was bright and his hazel eyes soft, filled with something that looked like complete adoration as he stole a glance at Olivia. For a while, we forgot about the demon sitting across the room.

Once we paid our bills, Alyssa headed home in a hurry because she had to babysit her younger brother and sister. Reed offered me and Olivia a ride home, but I refused—seeing as Ethan was parked just somewhere down the street waiting for me. After convincing them that they didn't have to wait (because I didn't want any more speculation around Ethan driving me around), they left, and I texted Ethan saying I'd be outside soon. But as I rose from the booth and caught a glance out the window, I froze. A shadow moved among the trees.

A shadow that I could have sworn was looking right at me.

When I blinked, the shadow was gone, but I didn't give it another thought. I booked it out of the restaurant, out to the line of trees before he could get away. I didn't feel the mud seeping into my shoes, didn't feel the bite of the harsh winds as I sprinted deeper into the nearby woods. Not as I felt my mind reeling. Don't let him get away. Not again.

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