Another Story Idea

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*Merely a summary for a possible fanfiction.*

Mae's P.O.V.

I slowly opened my eyes, groggily getting into a sitting position. Squinting as I adjusted to the light. It had been another day.

At least, that was what I thought.

Stretching my muscles, scratching my ass- I mean back, and reaching for my shoes like a true lazy piece of trash.

My normal morning routine.

...Definitely normal.


I stood up, completely energized. I took a glance to my left and saw my holy laptop, the one that Great Big Guy Angus fixed for me with his magic shit.

Or one's and zero's as he liked to call them.

Logging on to the chatting site, I stared at the icons at the corner of the screen. Specifically Gregg's profile.

Huh. He didn't message me. This was considerably odd, he usually tells me that he's at Snalcon. Probably forgot or something.

I shrugged it off as nothing and gave my attention to the other one, Bea had message me.

Phew. I thought an apocalypse was happening or something and I was the only one with WiFi. I mean,  I'd be really lucky if I were the only one left with internet. Geez, I can't imagine a world without internet. Anyway...

Hovering my cursor over the profile, I suddenly had a strange feeling. Like something was wrong or something, it wasn't like the apocalypse feeling either.

It was something worse.

I'd be lying if I said I just shrugged it off. But, continuing with my busy routine (notice sarcasm), I clicked on the icon, reading the message in my head.

Hey Mae, please head to the Party Barn ASAP.

Got important matters to discuss with the others.

That was so weird, it gave Mae shivers down her spine. Her whiskers stiffen up for a moment.

What the heck was this? Too formal much?

Guess she'll just come and see for herself.


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