Chapter 1

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It's just another average day for me. Walking home from work, my eyes fixed ahead down the well lit road. I hear the familiar chime from the clock announcing that it's nine o'clock. I'm tired, I need a shower and I need my bed, but I believe that with my bed the feeling is mutual, it needs me too. If not for me it would still be in a warehouse waiting for someone to buy it, feeling rejected day in and day out, not having a nice cotton bed spread, collecting... I shook my head, and a smile spreads across my lips. I get carried away sometimes. Like earlier today at lunch.

I had gone to my usual lunch spot, as I went in I wrinkled my nose at the smell of coffee as I usually did. The only reason I continued to come here was that It was very quiet and I could get a decent sandwich for next to nothing. As I awaited my order I felt heat from outside rush into the room, indicating that someone else had join myself and the few other persons in the cafe. I just kept staring ahead doing a minimal jig to the song filling the cafe. My tummy began to grumble, complaining no doubt about me having taken a late lunch. Don't worry babe I'm gonna feed you soon, I murmured to my stomach, making the guy doing my sandwich give me a quizzical look. I just looked on straight ahead like nothing happened. He threw it into the toasty machine and started to clean the counter. I turned my back to the counter and leaned against it, with the intention of looking out onto the street, to get an early start on my people watching. My eyes locked onto the blackest hair I had ever seen. My gaze moved down his body drinking in the long legs, defined biceps. I think I was starting to drool. I can't remember the last time a man had turned me on. I sighed and turned back to collect my sandwich, the guy that made it gave me a hard look I think he had been trying to get my attention for a while. I said thanks and moved to find a seat, Mr. Wet dreams was sitting in my usual spot. So I shuffled down to the back of the cafe close to the restrooms and took a seat that was partially hidden from others dinning. I took a bite of my sandwich, tasted the same as always, so now I can focus on this libido disturber. He sat there thumbing through the paper, he had big hands and gorgeous fingers. I did my usual check of the left hand looking for a wedding band, none. I smiled, not that it made a difference, I would never approach him, nor would he be interested in an average woman like me. So I sat there drinking him in, tucking him away for my fantasies, and our eyes met. His were blue like the pictures of the ocean on a sunny day, his lips were full and inviting, I could imagine those lips all over my body, those fingers kneading my supply flesh and gosh now my panties are soaked. I looked back down at my sandwich. Concentrating on a piece of gooey cheese. God I hope he didn't know I was staring. When I chanced a glance he was focused on his paper again, figures, he probably was looking at the painting on the wall behind me. It was time for me to head back to work. I got up discarded my garbage and headed towards the door taking in as much of Mr. Wet dream as I could, as I walked by him his intoxicating scent filled the atmosphere and I literally groaned as I felt more moisture pool into my panties. He was really attacking my senses.

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