Jeffery's dead (the final sleep) Guess who's back/who is Jj?

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Warning: offensive language and swearing


Jeff's mother "Jeff did you do this?"

Jeff "no I love animals you.. you.. you.. you know that mommy"

Jeff's mother "yes I know honey, but you brother David wouldn't do this either, so who did it then?"

Jeff "m..m..m..m..maybe it was Jj"

Jeff's mother "now Jeff you know she wouldn't do something like this, so that just leaves you"

Jeff "no Jj..Jj did it"

Jeff's mother "stop it Jeff, I know you love animals, but goddamit, if we get another family pet, don't nail it to the floor boards, it's wrong"

Jeff "nnnn.. No mom Jj.. Jj..Jj did it"

Jeff's mother "shut the fuck up Jeff your sister J did not do this now go to your room and think about what you did"
^Past over^

Narrator "we open up to nice cozy little setting in which an older man is hanging stockings above his fireplace, the old mans home is beautifully abundant with Christmas decor, a large tree is standing by the window and outside the window was a cold calm winter night with snow descending gently to the ground, an image similar to something out of a holiday movie"

Robert "well I didn't get anything from my grandkids, no presents again, well it's like I always say, fuck um, hope they get aids and die hehehehehehe"

Mary "now Robert, you shouldn't say such things"

Robert "I hate this time of year Mary, it's cold, stupid song's all the time, oh and goddam noisy kids"

Laughing Jack " I know how it is, I hate kids to"

Mary "oh my"

Robert "listen you uh clown get the hell out of my house"

Laughing Jack "awwww that's no way to talk to me old man besides I came here only to bare you gifts"

Robert "you get the fuck outta here hippy or I'll kill you"

Laughing Jack "yeah about that I'm already dead, I got eaten by some genetic hybrid you see"

Mary "get out Mr clown or I'll call the police"

Laughing Jack "you know I've never been with an older lady before, but Im not like Santy clause, I don't come once a year hahahahahah"

Robert "listen bitch my name is Robert felonious Rodriguez and if you don't leave I'll wipe the floor with your face"

Laughing Jack "oh where's the Christmas spirit, oh well I suppose I will just have to put you on the naughty list" (Chainsaw rears up)

Laughing Jack "(singing) deck the halls with gumballs la la la la la la la la la (singing while killing them with the chainsaw) merry Christmas"
(Chainsaw slowly goes to a stop)

Narrator "it's raining in the dark forest, inmates from the now burning Ferguson's asylum are running down the steep hilltop toward the small town, Jeff Keaton and his brother David Keaton are finishing a kill together outside at a rich girls driveway"

Jeff "oh brother I am so glad we could meet up again and teach this miss goody two-fuck bitch dumb face whore a lesson"

David "yes It was a fun pit stop, but now on to bigger fish Jeff, I've written down the address to Chris Mex's house here, the heartless fuck who did that to your face"

Jeff "wait what?"

David "I mean it brother, the reason I didn't come a save you from Ferguson's was because, I knew you would escape on your own and and knowing that I wanted to take the the time to plan the perfect retribution against Mex, you see Jeff I planed explosives all over this goddam town, it took six months of planning and finding out who lives where, and you letting out letting out all the inmates at Ferguson's asylum, that was the icing on the cake, all it will take is one little spark and the old mine tunnels on the edge of the forest, and BAM, this city will burn, as they burned us, I still feel bad for not the being the one to get you out of that asylum, but you held your own and besides you need this, we need this to kill those who have wronged us"

Jeff " I needed you brother, the needles, the smiles, that place literally changed me, but I am glad we could put some blood in this girls window haha, the woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep"
(Big thunder-blast)

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