01 | Hazel

205 23 3

[admirelook at with pleasure]

I can never seem to get this man.

I work at my aunt's small diner and this man, eyes as blue as the sky, hair dark like the night and tattoos snake his arms and neck. He was the man I have been noticing and secretly admiring for the past three months. He always sat at the same table, left of the counter beside the window and ordered the same double chocolate milkshake.

He never smiled or even talk. When I get his order, he hands me a small ripped from a notebook paper with his order nicely written with either blue or green ink. He smelled good, like peppermint and strawberry mixed. When he gets his order, he lets it sit on the table for a while and stare out the window as if there was something interesting outside. He looked like he was thinking so deeply though. It was like he was drowned by his overflowing thoughts that I can almost hear what he is thinking and it screams sadness.

"Hazel? Mind if you take over the fries for sometime, I'm gonna take an important call." My aunt called from the kitchen. I simply nod my head and smiled at her. The time was five and he should be here any minute.

I take my time to walk to the fryer and look out the windows for any signs of him, the kind of inspiration I would want right now. Still, I can't see his car pull up on the parking lot.

I did what I had to do, taking out the fries from the fryer, salting them then plating. I serve it to a young couple and I received a small smile from the girl. She was a usual, her name was Sissy and she knew about the boy. I have blabbering tendencies.

"Still waiting for him?" She asks while I shake my head shamefully. This teenager already has a boyfriend and I'm right here boyfriendless and admiring the same man for 3 months. This shouldn't happen to an adult.

"I'll leave you to your date." She smiled sincerely while I wipe my hands with my apron. I head back behind the desk and look for some table to clean. There was none so I brewed coffee and arrange the condiments on the kitchen island. This was how my life has been like. Clean tables, make coffee, fry fries and on and on goes the list.

The bell chimes, my heart beats faster and my head cocks to the direction of the door. It was him. He looked so distressed today. He wasn't in his usual plain white shirt and skin tight jeans. His hair was almost covering his eyes and he wasn't heading to the table he always sat to. He was coming his way to the counter.

He sat down on the stool chairs and rested his elbows on the table. I smiled at him shyly like I always tried to.

"Same order?" I asked him while he looks at me, for the first time- I think. His lips twisted into a small smile and shakes his head.

"I want to try something new." His voice was so soft but deep at the same time. It gave me the chills to hear him for the first time. It was the same feeling when you hear a new Lana Del Rey song. "Can I get onion rings and a-hmmm, burger with fries-and a strawberry banana milkshake." He finishes and wipes his face with his palms.

"Someone's hungry." I say and took down his order on a sticky note.

"Somebody told me to try something else. I never wanted burgers and fries and strawberries. They told me I have to or I'll be stuck in the same hole for the rest of my life." A pause. "I'm sorry it's so personal, I should've-" I cut him.

"It's okay. I'm a good listener." I paused and gave the order to my aunt who was already done with her phone call. "I'm Hazel by the way."

With a smile he replies. "Thane."

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