06 | Thane

55 18 2

[argue→ fight by using angry words]

Emily decided to give me a chance. She agreed on talking to me and it relieved some of the burden I have been carrying with me.

I waited at Piper's, it wasn't Hazel's shift anymore. A small part of me wanted to see her but I shook the thought off my mind and focused on getting back with Emily. I focused on what I should say and what I should do.

I put on my best clothes and honestly just a pair of ripped jeans and a gray sweater. I wanted to hide the needle marks and slits that were on my wrist. For the past 3 months of being diagnosed, I started to feel like hurting myself. I wanted to feel the pain. I don't want to die without knowing what real pain is.

I waited a little bit and looked around the diner, it was filled with other people and teenagers playing with their milkshake.

I heard the bell chime and I look at the door to see if it was Emily, and it was. Her hair was longer now and she let it flow down her waist. Her lips were glossy like before and she looked beautiful wearing a red dress. I miss her already.

I tried to smile to her but she pursed her lips and walks her way to me. She was walking to fast I couldn't even comprehend.

She smelled the same—coconut and vanilla. But one thing was changed and that was what she feels for me.

"I don't know what we have to talk about Thane." She sighs her eyebrows raised.

"I'm sorry." was all I could say.

She laughs sarcastically and drops her hand to the table. It startled me but I didn't flinch.

"You're sorry? For what disappearing? You could've said this three months ago and I would've forgiven you."

"Oh so I am the bad guy now?" I say my voice raised it made the other people turn to me and Emily. It was obvious that she was embarrassed by the attention but I wasn't— I'll never see these people again anyway.

"Who was the one who cheated with my best friend, Emily? It was you and don't even try to blame it on me because I am just a person who loved you and treated you right. You are mad of me because I have a sickness and that I would die three months from now, and I'm still the bad person?" I shout it loud.

Emily's eyes were teary and she looked like she could cry any moment. She reach out for my hand but I yank it before she could touch me.

"You're an ungrateful bitch Emily."

With those last words I stand up and left Piper's. I drove myself home.

I open up my small wine cellar and grab a bottle of whiskey. I open it and gulped a lot. I know I wasn't allowed to drink but who is here to stop me. I would be happy of I die now because I am sick and tired for waiting for the three months to end.

LOST STARS [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora