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 Youngjae woke up with a slight headache. He tried to remember to not drink too much so that he could remember what happened the night before. Well that didn't help out very much because he didn't really remember what happened. All he remembered was..

"J-jaebum.. m-more." "Youngjae anymore and we might need to leave the club."

Youngjae coughed loudly at the sudden memory that popped into his head. He rushed out of bed and went into the bathroom to check his body for anything. Nothing on his neck but when he unbuttoned his shirt dark red and purple marks covered his body but never went lower than right above his naval. He licked his lips as his eyes raked over the marks. 

"Hey baby" youngjae smiles and gets close to jaebum. He sends a look over to jaebum and suddenly jaebum plays along by giving him a soft kiss. "Hello beautiful"

"Youngjae if you're gonna hog the bathroom all morning i'd really think you should use the communit-" Jinyoung walked and looked youngjae in the mirror. "Who did that? Your new boyfriend~?" Jinyoung walked passed his roommate an began to strip, making youngjae move a little closer to the wall to give him room. "He isn't my boyfriend. We just met each other a couple days before. I was just helping him out with some crazy bitch that was making him uncomfortable." Jinyoung quirked a brow and walked right behind youngjae, fully naked. "Well it seems like he was grateful." He slapped his partner's ass with a small grab, causing youngjae to yelp. "YAH." Jinyoung gave a little teasing look and then stepped into the shower. "Aish jinyoung you really are too much." jinyoung pulled the curtain back and splashed water on youngjae. "Yah! i am your HYUNG you do not talk to me like that. Understand?" Youngjae smirked and chuckled. "Sure thing Jinyoung"

Youngjae and Jinyoung were walking down the hallway when they heard a certain song that seemed familiar. The two walked to the source of the sound and walked inside the classroom to see what was going on. The music had started over and they saw that someone in a skin tight black long sleeved shirt and black jeans dancing. The two hid out in an unlit corner of the mirrored dance room and watched as he danced. The movements were sharp and yet fluid. Youngjae's heart suddenly tightened at the Man's dance movements. They were absolutely mesmerizing and youngjae couldn't take his eyes off. "Jae jae, We have to go." Youngjae looked up and nodded, sneaking out of the room unnoticed. A Female dressed in similar clothing walked passed the two of them and smiled. Youngjae turned his head and saw that she had walked into the same room that the guy was dancing in. "Hey jinyoung, I'll catch up with you. I gotta check something." Jinyoung sighed and shrugged "Fine just hurry so we aren't late" Youngjae nodded and waved him off. 
He walked up to the window and saw that he had accidentally dropped one of his dance shoes in there. "hhhhh fuck-" Youngjae walked in with his head and looked up to see the girl and the guy sharing a kiss and he looked away. The two broke the kiss and looked up at youngjae. "I-I'm sorry, i came to get my dance shoe... it-it slipped out of my bag." Them male's ear twitched and his head shot up. "Youngjae?" Youngjae froze and turned to see who it was. 

"h-hi jaebum."

The girl looked from one to the other and smiled sweetly. "Oh you two know each other?" The two nodded and the girl smacked jaebum playfully on the chest. "Why didn't you tell me you were friends with youngjae! we could've all hung out together!" She laughed and smiled softly. "come here youngjae it's been so long!" Youngjae nodded shyly and hugged her as an old friend should. "Wait... so how do you two know each other?" Jaebum asked. "Seugli was my best friend since middle school. I haven't seen her since senior year of high school after she went abroad to study dance." Youngjae smiled and then looked at jaebum. "How do you know seulgi?" Jaebum rubbed the back of his neck and gave an awkward smile. "She's my girlfriend." 

Youngjae blinked a little. G-Girlfriend? Jaebum was.... taken?
"Oh that's cool! You two look like such a cute couple! i'm happy for you." Youngjae smiled softly but jaebum however was looking a little worried, maybe even a little hurt. "Thank you youngjae! we're having our two year anniversary tomorrow night. You should join us! Maybe even take that cute guy you used to have a crush on!" Youngjae coughed loudly once again and stared widely. "I-I don't know if he goes to this school seulg-" "Of course he does. I've seen you dance with him in class. Park Jinyoung!" Jaebum stared in shocked and his eyes went to youngjae, the look of confusion showing through. "Oh yeah. i forgot i dance with him aha.. Wait so you want me to join you on your two year anniversary tomorrow as like a double date-is type thing?" Seulgi smiled and nodded her head. "It would be a great way for the four of us to really get closer! plus i really want to know the status of you and your crush's little thing going on~" Youngjae laughed and grabbed his shoe from the floor and picked up his bag. "Trust me we don't have anything going on. But yeah! we'll go tomorrow! Jaebum can give you my number if you need it!" Seulgi smiled and clapped her hands together. "Sweet! See you tomorrow!" Youngjae nodded and waved at them, giving one hurt smile to jaebum and leaving to go to his class.

"So you signed us up for a double date with the straight people?" "Jinyoung shut up. Yes they're straight apparently but it's nice to go and support them. Plus she's been my best friend since middle school i really miss her." Jinyoung rolled his eyes. "FINE i'll go. Only for you. Plus I've never seen jaebum when he isn't intoxicated so this should be fun." Youngjae smiled wide and hugged jinyoung. "Thank you jinyoungie!!" Jinyoung chuckled and tried to wiggle out of the younger's tight grip. "Don't thank me just yet. We have to make you look good."

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