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Jaebum and Seulgi sat at the restaurant, a table for four. Jaebum yawned a little still bored out of his mind and was wondering if youngjae really stood up the double date. He heard a gasp from multiple tables and all eyes were on the double doors and suddenly everything looked like a scene out of a movie.

Jinyoung and Youngjae walked in, arms locked around each other. The wind flowed through their already messy hair and the flashes from cameras bounced off the rose gold sunglasses. Time seemed to go slower as they walked in. A smirk on jinyoung's face and a smug grin on youngjae's. The latter was wearing a tight red suit, black diamonds fading into the suit from the bottom up, underneath was a regular black shirt and a white tie. His pants were tight around his thighs and muscular calves and his soft blonde hair styled in a way to pull the look together. His partner was wearing a similar suit however it was a black suit with red rubies around the sides and fading into the suit from the bottom up. His pants attaching themselves to his legs, accentuating every little crease and crevice of his legs and more. Both of their pants perfectly hugging their asses and making them looked god like. Jaebum and seulgi's jaws practically dropped to the floor  seeing the two walk up to them. "Holy shit...." Youngjae and jinyoung sat down, looking at the two. "Hello! It's nice to see you!" Seulgi laughed and smiled at youngjae. "You guys look like a million bucks! How much were those?" Jinyoung sips the tea that had been poured and smugly puts it down. "Almost 12 billion won. They're custom fit and made by a private designer. These are the only two in existence. "Shit that's really expensive and that's just for tonight?" Youngjae smirked and sipped his tea as well, looking up at jaebum. "When you're dating a rich daddy like jinyoung here, you can afford to do it." Jinyoung put his arm around youngjae's chair and sat back in his own. "Plus i love spoiling my baby. All he does is love and care for me in return. OH and dance for me~" Jinyoung winked and jaebum could feel his jealousy start to rise. But why? "Wow youngjae. You really set yourself up! I'm almost jealous! Well not all of us can be such high class sugar babies" Seulgi laughs a little and so do jinyoung and youngjae. "Ah no but in all seriousness i love jinyoung. And i would trade all the money in the world to have him as mine for even a day. I am really lucky." Youngjae smiles and puts on the act. "So Jinyoung to what do you owe your success?" Jinyoung scoffed at the older's question. "Okay Mr.Grey chill out. My dad runs the top company in all of Asia. He's teaching me to be CEO while telling me to go and live my dream and so while i go and dance and act, making even more money, i get to be CEO at the end of the day with a say in who i marry which is extremely rare in our higher society world. I'm sure you've seen boys over flowers? Well that wasn't a complete lie. Though some of it was exaggerated  in reality we have no say. Whether our parents use us to have sex to get to the top or marriage, But that's how my father rose and stayed to the top. Freedom of choice. Plus the park family is definitely not one to mess with." Youngjae looked at the menu and saw that the waitress was coming. Seulgi stared wide eyes as she listened. "Wow.. that must be so hard on you... So parents really let their children get used like that?" Jinyoung nods. "Unfortunately. But luckily it doesn't apply to me. It applies to my friend Yugyeom although i don't think he minds being a private dancer. The Kims have always been known to be a lot more... comfortable with doing things like private dancing. " 

They all ordered and got their food and so they began to eat once it had arrived. "So youngjae what are you doing now days?" Youngjae looked up from his pasta and shrugs, slurping the last noodle. "Ah not much. College, dance. I'm doing rec skating now so that's always good n im taking a few new dance classes this semester." Seulgi ate some meat and looked at her friend. "Like what?" Youngjae smirked once. "A new twerking class, lap dancing, pole dancing, and of course my ultimate favorite, girl group dances." Jaebum looks up from his meal. He knows that the younger is teasing him and he hates him for it. "Excuse me i have to go to the restroom i'll be right back." Youngjae got up and walked to the bathroom. Once in, he let out an audible exhale and he was visibly panicking a little. He has never bluffed so hard in his life and honestly he was so worried that he was going to fuck it up. Luckily he didn't. He left the bathroom and came back to see jinyoung and seulgi talking and jaebum sitting miserably by himself. "You look upset hyung. Something wrong?" Jaebum looked up and scoffed. "I've never seen this side of you! One moment your this timid sweet dancer and the next your the face of erotica, looking sexy and being a sugar baby to your dance partner? Who are you and what happened to my youngjae?" Wrong choice of words,,,
"Your youngjae? I was never yours jaebum. We literally had just met a month ago on a dating app all because you thought i was a girl. I am allowed to present myself in anyway i damn well please and if being a sugar baby to my dance partner is what i want i will do it understand?" Youngjae turned on his heels, walking with his ass swaying a little. "Jinyoung i think it's time for us to go~" Youngjae coos softly. Jinyoung nods and takes out his wallet. "Here this is to pay for our portion of the meal." He sets 300,000 won on the table and takes youngjae by the waist. "Hope to see you both soon. It's been fun we should do this again sometime! Alright now bye~~" And with that the two left the restaurant. 

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