Chapter 36 : Finale (2)

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*Lina's POV*

"REAL V! V.I.XX GIRLS! Please take care of us!"

All of us greet & bow together & the CEO said, "Wah! You girls really look like a girl group now!"

All of us smiled & the staffs gave us an applause, they really took care of us. All of us had to trick VIXX in this & think that the other waiting room is for the staffs. Now VIXX is not at the concert venue, they are happily filling their stomach at a nice restaurant.

While, we will be practicing for awhile.

(Introduction Stage) 00:00 - 1:06

(Debut Stage)

We need to go down fast after the rehearsal because VIXX will be coming soon so we have to hide.

When we are at the waiting room, Aini straight away went to the couch & lay down.

"Gosh, i am so tired. How did Shikkie do all of us. Shoots, MV, Dramas, Concerts. Oh yea i forgot he doesn't do drama." She mumbled.

"HEOL. SHIKKIE?! Since when you call him that. I think i am gonna puke. Please no nicknames." Yani said sarcastically.

Eunyoung Eonni & me laugh at the two siblings who keep on teasing each other.

I turn to Eunyoung Eonni & asked her, "So how's Junhwan?"

"He is trying to walk now, i feel so proud. I can't believe i am married to Cha Hakyeon." she said.

"I can't believe that all of us are married,engage & dating one VIXX member. Heol.. We are really lucky aren't we.." Yani said.

Suddenly the door opened & it was our manager,

"Yaa.. All of you are so lucky. ㅠㅠ.." She pouts & then close the door.

Yani's Manager came in too & had to settle things with her. So Yani had to leave the room secretly.

Suddenly Eunyoung called me & said, "Lina ah.. Not planning to have a baby soon?"

I was flustered & said, "I don't know.. It's all up to Taekwoon actually.. He is very busy nowadays.." i sigh & drink plain water.

I saw Eunyoung smile & said, "I know you want to have a child. It must be hard to raise this topic to Taekwoon Oppa right?"

I nodded & lay down on the couch. Eunyoung Eonni told me that it was hard to talk about this topic to Hakyeon Oppa. In the end, it just happened. Then Junhwan is born & living happily with the both of them.

After awhile, Yani got back & she said that after the concert, she have to rush off to practice for her real showcase. Yani became an idol after experiencing the idol life & she felt happiness while going through it even though it was tiring.

She is in a co-ed group & today is her showcase. So it's gonna be a busy day for her & of course she will be so tired. Hopefully this surprise will go well.


VIXX doesn't know that we are here right now, preparing for our surprise debut showcase. Only the special MC which is Kim Shinyoung. I was so happy when all of us saw her and she was nervous about the surprise too. We have to enter the stage like the 2nd part of the concert. Finally the concert started and sadly all of us can't watch the concert because we are all in backstage. The cheers were really loud and all of us are really nervous. What if we can't do well, what if we make a mistake.

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