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A/N I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! I get so caught up in all my books even though I don't publish the majority of them...anyway here it is! Sorry if there are a lot of mistakes I haven't proof read it😅

After the amazing shower Dean led me to the food court place. We walked in together and almost all of the prisoner's eyes were on us. Dean's arm draped around my waist and we were smiling like two idiots. Dean and I ignored the stares as we walked over to the table of crazy criminals known as my family. I plopped down next to Gabe who was annoying the hell out of Anna and Dean sat next to me. Gabriel turns to look at me weirdly. "Thought you had another day Cassie," Gabe says and my other siblings turned their attention towards me.

"Uh yeah well Dean came back from the hospital and let me out," I say awkwardly and stare down at the table.

"Something's different with you two," Balthazar says suspiciously. I blush and clear my throat as Dean sits silently next to me.

"Well they are sexually active with one another now," Lucifer's attractive friend with black hair says. I blush and Dean's mouth falls open as we stare at him. How? Had he seen them? Had he heard them? Then my siblings erupt in laughter except for the douchebags of course.

"We are not!" I deny but my siblings keep laughing.

"Cassie got some dick huh?" Gabriel shouts and I stare angrily at them with my arms crossed over my chest and a red face.

"Stupid psychic," Dean mutters next to me. I turn to look at him and he doesn't look embarrassed he just looks annoyed.

"How'd you know Michael?" Lucifer asks with a goofy grin. Lucifer had the hots for him obviously.

"It's obvious isn't it? Both of them have wet hair so they both showered and their cheeks are more red then they should be which I can only assume is because of human contact. And then you have the way they are sitting. They are as close as the chairs will allow and Dean's hand is on Castiel's thigh," Michael states with a smile.

"Damn didn't know my best friend was Sherlock," Lucifer says and Michael laughs shyly with a blush.

"Didn't know you were into Satan Michael," Dean says with a smirk and Michael glares playfully at him.

"Didn't know you were into dick, let alone angel nerds," Michael says with a smirk. Dean scoffs but a ghost of a smile appears on his delicious lips.

"So you like him or you just fucking him?" Balthazar says to Dean with a hint of overprotectiveness. Dean pauses a moment before answering.

"I like to fuck him," Dean responds. I roll my eyes and kiss him on the neck and he blushes and smiles down at me.

"Yeah he likes me," I say confidently and Dean laughs.

"In your dreams Novak," he says and then someone yells over to Dean. "Ok gotta go," Dean says and kisses me gently on the cheek before leaving. I blush and smile and definitely don't check out his ass.

"Ooo Cassie is in love!" Gabriel yells in a sing song voice.

"Shut up," I snap but he just laughs and runs around singing it as I chase him around the cafeteria. "Shut your face Gabe!" I yell and tackle him to the ground. Then I steal my siblings rolls and chuck them at Gabriel as I eat some. The awful bell sounds throughout the cafeteria and I groan but then I remember it is Saturday and we don't have to work. But won't we just die of boredom in our cells until lunch? "Hey Gabriel since we don't have to work what do we do now?"

"They just lock us up in our cells until lunch time. Some prisoners bribe the guards to let them out and go to other cells to canoodle," Gabe says with a wink. "Or they just hang out with their fellow prison friends and lift weights or play ping pong or something. It's hard to bribe them though so not a lot of them get let out," Gabe says with a shrug.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2017 ⏰

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