8~COD and New Girls

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Niall's POV:

I'm sitting here in my room, hiding. Chicken, I know.

But I just can't let Heidi see me blush. I really like her, but what if she doesn't feel the same way? What if she thinks its too early?

I try to push the thoughts out of my mind, and decide to stop being so antisocial. As I walk out, Heidi and Bri look up.

"Hey niall!" They say, and Heidi gives me a tiny smile and a wave, then quickly looks away. She is so cute! And her hair looks really good curly like that...

Finally, I get the nerve to walk up to her.

"Hi!" I said, sitting next to them, and Bri smirked at Heidi. What have the two of them been talking about?

"Hey!" Heidi said, smiling at me.

"Do you guys want to see fireworks on the 4th tomorrow night?" I asked.

"You celebrate the day that the Americans basically defeated you guys?" Heidi asked, laughing.

"Yep! So you like history?" I asked, interested.

"I love it!" She exclaimed, and Bri got up and walked over to Harry, whispering something in his ear.

After I had quizzed Heidi on history trivia (she had gotten most of it right, the smart cookie) we all went down to the basement to play Call Of Duty Black Ops.

"I'm going to beat you guys again!" Bri yelled, grabbing a controller. Everyone else laughed.

"C'mon Bri, you stink at this!" Harry exclaimed, ruffling her hair.

"Yeah, but there is a first time for everything!" She argued back, and we all laughed.

We grabbed controllers (somehow, they hacked into it so that eight of us could play, four of us on each divided screen) and played for a while.

Two hours later, I had one three rounds, Niall one, Harry two, Liam 4 and Zayn 3. Bri, as we predicted, won none.

"Cheaters" she muttered, but was smiling.

Heidi's POV:

After a while, we all decided to get to bed. I followed Bri to Amber's room, were Bri tucked her in.

"Goodnight Amber" I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. We were basically family, I've known Amber since she was in diapers.

"Night Heidi! Are you staying over?" She asked, looking hopeful.

"Yes I am, I will see you in the morning sweetie!" I said, hugging her. I wish Amber could be my little sister.

Bri and I walked to her room, and turned on the flat screen. We were going to watch Frozen, which the boys somehow got on DVD already.

As we watched, Bri fell asleep. I was wide awake, so I continued to watch for a while. I loved this movie.

Finally, I went to sleep thinking about Niall again. Our trivia game was fun, and he teased me a lot during COD. I really hope that our relationship can happen soon.

Liam's POV:

I wake up at 11:30 am. Wow. I usually never sleep that late.

To my suprise, no one else is awake. I walk into our kitchen, making some breakfast and thinking.

Niall seems to really like Heidi, and she is so nice! I used to like her too, until I found Elise.

I met Elise while I was taking a walk through the park. You may think this is crazy for me to do, as I would end up mobbed or crowded, but usually I don't. I walk in a secret alley way. No, not a dark, garbage filled alley, but a peaceful sunny alley.

Anyways, I saw a black haired girl wearing denim mini shorts and a kind of revealing white tank top.

"Hey!" She said cheerfully, she must be one of those people who says hi to everyone around.

"Hi" I answered, not wanting to be rude.

We introduced ourselves, and she didnt freak out much when she noticed who she was talking too, thank goodness. After a while of talking, I had been gone for two hours and should be heading back. We exchanged numbers, and have been texting all week.

I invited Elise to watch fireworks with us, but I don't know what the guys, Bri, or Heidi are going to think. I hope they like her.


I said I was going to have an update on Friday. I guess I lied :/ sorry!

I saw Lego movie today with my sister, and its so cute!! <3

I added a bit of Liam's POV in here, what did you think? You will hear more about Elise in the next chapter.

I am about to start chapter 8 (not a lie) and I hope to have it up by tuesday or wednesday! :)

Love you guys!

~Kayla :)

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