15~Rushing and Police

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Bri's POV:

We are on our way to Minneapolis, Minnesota for our last concerts in the tour. There will be one in Minneapolis and another in Duluth. Then we are done.

Elise has been completely avoiding me, but I couldn't care less. She's happy with Liam, but I still don't care.

Heidi and Niall are super happy together! Yesterday he bought her some roses. They're pink and white and beautiful! They are wonderful together.

Harry and I are great too! He's given me so many gifts- I kind of feel bad. I swear he's spent over a thousand dollars on me. Everytime we do things I try to pay him back, but he always says no.

I look around the bus, bored. We're at a stop right now, so Amber is running around outside. Liam and Elise are out (ugh) and Louis and Zayn went to buy food. Niall and Heidi went out. Their first date! Heidi promised to give me all of the details later.

Heidi's POV:

"I love you Princess" Niall said, grabbing my hand. I smiled and grabbed his.

We were driving... Somewhere. Niall wouldn't tell me where we were going! I was excited though. I knew that it would be perfect, somehow. All of the other guys I've dated just want to watch football in their parents basement or something. This is the first time I've actually had a suprise date.

"Ok, Heidi, close your eyes!" Niall said, stopping. He pulled out a blindfold and tied it around my eyes.

"How am I supposed to see?" I ask, laughing.

"I'm going to lead you, of course!" Niall exclaimed, steering me to wherever we were going.

Suddenly, I felt niall untying the blindfold, and what I saw was beautiful.

We were at a beautiful river, with a bridge on the other side. We were sitting on a picnic blanket on the grass, which was perfectly green. There were flowers all around, whites and pinks. The picnic blanket was covered in plates of food. There were Nandos, Bdubs and some assorted fruits. Yum!

"Niall this looks amazing!" I exclaimed, jumping into his arms.

We ate, and talked about everything. About 45 minutes after we ate, Niall was leading me somewhere else.

I saw a huge sycamore tree with a sturdy wooden swing connected. Fun!

"Will you push me?" I asked, making my voice sound like a little kid's.

"Of course" he said, pushing me softly.

"Faster! Faster!" I yelled, laughing. On the swing I felt completely carefree, like the things we were dealing with back on the bus just melted away.

Soon, I realized I was hogging the swing. "Do you want me to push you?" I ask, and he nodded, blushing.

I slowed myself down, then kicking my feet into the ground into a stop. "Hop on and ill push you" I said, and he laughed.

I pushed Niall, which was really hard. He is so heavy!

"Higher!" He yelled, and I laughed.

"Swing your legs!" I yelled back, and he did. He went so high I almost thought he would swing completely over the branch.

After we got sick of swinging, we sat back on our picnic blanket, watching the sunset disappear.

"What time is it?" I asked. I had left my iPhone in the car.

"7:50" he replied, and I gasped.

"We were supposed to be home by 6:45!" I yelled, and we ran to the car, getting ready to speed back to the bus, which would be leaving its stop at exactly 8:00.

"What if we don't make it?" I yelled. I literally had too. The convertibles windows were down, and we were driving at 80 miles an hour, wind whipping at us.

"Don't say that!" He yelled back, driving a little bit quicker. 85 miles per hour.

Suddenly, I heard sirens behind us. Great, just great.

Bri's POV:

"Don't worry Bri, they will make it!" Harry assured me. At least, he tried too.

"Harry, its 7:55, we leave in a few minutes and what if they can't find us?" I asked worriedly.

"They will" Harry said. Gosh, this guy was a strong believer.

I looked around. Zayn, Liam, Louis and Elise were back. They looked worried as well.

Suddenly, I felt the bus start to drive again.

They didnt make it.

Niall's POV:


We're being pulled over, for whatever reason, and the bus was leaving its spot any second. And my phone was dead, so was Heidi's.

Suddenly, a cop came out.

"Are you aware you were going 30 miles above the speeding limit?" He asked in an official voice.

"30?!" I squeaked.

"The limit here is 50. You were going 85" he said, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry, but were in a huge hurry. If our bus leaves without us I will have to catch a plane to Minnesota" I said, hoping he would understand.

"Let me see your license" he said, and I dug through my pockets to retrieve it. Normal people keep their license in a wallet, but you've probably realized that I'm not normal. I finally grabbed it and handed it to him.

"Your joking, right?" He asked, and I was confused.

"What?" I asked, annoyed.

"Your name is Gregory Stevens? You have brown hair and green eyes?" He asked, studying me.

Crud. I usually always wear a disguise when I drive, which is usually never. I wear a brown wig and contacts that turn my eyes green. Since I wasnt in disguise, it looked like I took Gregory Stevens's license.

"I think you two are coming with me" he said, pocketing the license. "Don't forget to lock up."

Great. Heidi looks at me worriedly. I'll explain later. But the bus for sure left by now, and besides, we were being hauled off to the police station.

I had expected for Heidi and I to be hauled away in handcuffs, sirens wailing and the car speeding. But no, it was a slow, boring ride on the way to a drab, dirty looking building.

Hopefully I could clear things up so that we didnt spend too much time in here.



So what do you think? Do you think Heidi and Niall will go to jail? Or just Niall?

Talk about perfect date gone wrong!

Finally, I'm getting some more votes. Thanks to those of you voting!


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