29~ Arrest and Pizza

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Harry's POV:

We continued to stare Meredith down, none of us quite knowing what to do. After what felt like hours, I dropped the stare and walked up to Meredith.

"Meredith" I growled, and she glared at me with her icy blue eyes.

"Harry" she said, looking me up and down approvingly. What was she doing?

"Why did you hurt Bri? Why did you help Elise?" I asked, my voice rising with every word. I was beyond angry with Meredith, but she didnt seem to care.

"Oh, your still with her... I can fix that little problem" she said, smiling at me.

"Meredith, I asked you a question. Why. Did. You. Hurt. Bri?" I asked her again slowly, still quiet fed up with her.

"Harry, that doesn't matter. What does matter is the fact that we could be together, but she's standing in the way" she said, raising her eyebrows at me.

"Meredith, I don't even like you!" I exclaim truthfully. Meredith is ok looking with her shiny red hair and short teal sequined dress, but no one will ever beat Bri.

"Oh come on, Harry. Don't lie, I know you have feelings for me" she continued, looking mad now. I decided to change the subject.

"You know we could call the police and have you arrested right now, right?" I asked, smiling breezily at her.

"But you won't." She whispered, a dead serious look in her eye. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and started to dial 911, until I felt it being shoved out of my hands. Before I could so anything about it, Meredith dropped my phone into her lemonade.

"Oops. Sorry" she said giggling and curling her hair in her fingers. I turned to Bri and signaled for her to dial 911. She dialed it and pressed it to her ear.

"Hello? Yes, I would like to report Meredith Stevenson. We found her at Buffalo Wild Wings. Yes, the Sacremento location. Thank you! Goodbye" Bri said into the phone, then turned it off and faced Meredith.

"Someone's in trouble" Bri laughed in her face, and Meredith shot her a rotten glare.

"Not if I get out!" She exclaimed, jumping over a table and breaking into a run.

"Someone block the doors! Criminal on the loose!" Bri screamed, and waiters started blocking the main doors, chefs blocking the kitchen ones. Meredith grabbed a chair and threw it, and customers were getting nervous. The waiters and waitresses blocking the door were trying to get them to remain calm, but their efforts were pointless. People were screaming and hiding as Meredith started to scream and punch chairs. After forever, the police finally came.

"We are looking for a Meredith Stevenson" the cop said, looking around the room until his eyes fell on Meredith. It was pretty obvious to tell Meredith apart from the hiding, crying people since Meredith was standing on a table looking like a mad man, so she was found easily.

"Put your hands where we can see them!" The cop said, and Meredith held her hands up as the cop cuffed them, and lead her out. As soon as she saw Bri, she spat something at her, and Bri looked shocked for a minute, then shook it off. As soon as Meredith was gone, everyone slowly climbed out of hiding and went to thier tables to eat again.

"I don't really feel like eating anymore" Bri said, and we all agreed, leaving.

Bri was zoned out so I stared at her funny. After a while it was getting creepy.

"Earth to Briiiiii" I sang, waving my hand in her face and she blinked at me, giggling.

"Sorry, I'm thinking about that creeper Meredith, just imagining her in jail with Elise" she said, giggling.

"Maybe they'll have neighboring cells!" I exclaimed, and Bri giggled.

"Well they're apparently all BFF now so maybe" Bri said, growling.

"Well Bri at least their gone, right?" I asked, and she nodded.

"Bri, I'm hungry!" Amber exclaimed snobbly. She's gotten an attitude lately!

"Amber, I know. Ill feed you when we get home" Bri said tiredly.

"I want bdubs! Why couldn't we stay there?" She asked, as Bri whipped her head around to her.

"Amber, your too young to understand, so just let it go!" Bri spat, and Amber rolled her eyes and turned away.

By the time we pulled into the driveway I was starving. I had to eat something, since normally we would've had dinner two hours ago. We walked in and went straight to the kitchen.

"What should we make? It's already 8:00" Bri said, rummaging through the pantries.

"I don't know, hi about we just bake a pizza?" I ask, and Bri nods, taking out three frozen pizzas from the freezer and setting the oven to 375.

"I hope Amber's ok with it" she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes as she unwrapped the pizzas.

"What's gotten into her lately?" I ask, really wondering. Bri started sending Amber to school last week, and she comes back snootier every day, and it's really getting old.

"I don't know, but it needs to stop" she agreed with me, putting the pizzas in the oven.

"Want to watch a movie while we wait?" I ask, not in the mood to stand around for 15 minutes waiting for that pizza.

"Sure" Bri replies and we walk into the living room, rummaging through or movies, unable to find anything. Funny, all of our movies are too scary or innappropriate. Finally we settle to just watch Frozen, the only sweet movie we have. As I put it in the BluRay, Bri lays her head on the couch.

"I'm so tired..." She yawns, grabbing a blanket.

"Today was pretty busy" I agreed, laying next to her. We both watched about fifteen minutes of the movie, and then fell into a deep sleep.


Hey guys :) I haven't updated in a few days but I've been working on chapters! Since its almost the end of the school year, I have a lot to do :/

QOTD: what's your favorite 1D song?

AOTD: Best Song Ever or Story Of My Life!

Write more later,

Kayla :)

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